oracle8.1.6 select trunc(entry_date, 'month') as month_date, to_char(trunc(entry_date, 'month'), 'fmMonthfm YYYY') as date_pretty, to_char(trunc(entry_date, 'month'), 'YYYY/MM/') as month_url_stub from pinds_blog_entries where draft_p = 'f' and package_id = :package_id group by trunc(entry_date, 'month') order by month_date desc select trunc(entry_date, 'month') as month_date, to_char(trunc(entry_date, 'month'), 'fmMonthfm YYYY') as date_pretty, to_char(trunc(entry_date, 'month'), 'YYYY/MM/') as month_url_stub from pinds_blog_entries e, acs_objects o, users u where e.draft_p = 'f' and e.package_id = :package_id and u.screen_name = :screen_name and o.object_id = e.entry_id and u.user_id = o.creation_user group by trunc(entry_date, 'month') order by month_date desc