postgresql7.1 select object_id as pid from acs_objects, apm_packages as apmp where context_id = ( select package_id from dotlrn_communities_all where community_id = :community_id) and package_key = 'cards' and object_id = apmp.package_id; select attr_value as value from apm_parameter_values where parameter_id = :param_id and package_id = :pid select a.user_id as user_id from acs_users_all a, dotlrn_member_rels_approved r where r.community_id = :community_id and r.user_id = a.user_id and (role='student' or role='member') order by user_id asc select parent_community_id from dotlrn_communities_all where community_id = :community_id select pretty_name from dotlrn_communities_all where community_id = :community_id select a.user_id as user_id from acs_users_all a, dotlrn_member_rels_approved r where r.community_id = :community_id and r.user_id = a.user_id and (role='student' or role='member') and a.user_id not in (select ref_user from card where ref_community = :community_id) select card_id from card where ref_community = :community_id select block_id from card_percent p where s.ref_community = :community_id order by percent desc select task_id from card_task s inner join card_percent on (percent_id = ref_percent) where s.ref_community = :community_id order by task_id asc select type from card_percent where percent_id = :task_block insert into card (ref_community, ref_user) values (:community_id, :user_id) select card_id from card where ref_community = :community_id and ref_user = :user_id insert into card_note (ref_card,ref_task,grade,ref_community) values (:card_id, :task_id, 0.00, :community_id) select last_name, first_names from acs_users_all where user_id = :user_id select c.item_id from acs_rels a, cr_items c where a.object_id_two = c.item_id and a.object_id_one = :user_id and a.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel' select c.item_id from acs_rels a, cr_items c where a.object_id_two = c.item_id and a.object_id_one = :user_id and a.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel' update apm_parameter_values set attr_value = :value where parameter_id = :param_id and package_id = :pid