If you insist that you only want one task, that's fine. You can
even add a loop from '@loop_from_task_name@' back to itself. The
way it works is that we'll ask the user some question, to which he
answers yes or no. If he answers yes, we'll go back to the same task again,
if he answers no, we'll continue to finish the processor
vice versa. You get to decide that.
We will ask him a yes/no question, such as
'Approved?'. Depending on the answer, we'll go to either
'@loop_to_task_name@' or @loop_next_pretty@.
In the list below, hit add loop on the task you want to loop
from, i.e. the last task in the loop.
Order Task Loop Action @tasks.rownum@. @tasks.task_name@ Go to @tasks.loop_to_task_name@ if not @tasks.loop_question@(add loop) (remove loop)