select 1 from wf_workflows
where workflow_key = :workflow_key
select ot.pretty_name as workflow_name,
from acs_object_types ot,
wf_transitions t
where ot.object_type = :workflow_key
and t.workflow_key = ot.object_type
and t.transition_key = :transition_key
select context_key as context_key_from_db,
context_name as title,
'' as url,
0 as selected_p
from wf_contexts
order by context_name
select tp.sort_order,
'' as edit_url,
'' as delete_url,
'' as move_up_url
from wf_context_task_panels tp
where tp.context_key = :context_key
and tp.workflow_key = :workflow_key
and tp.transition_key = :transition_key
order by sort_order