-- -- Upgrade script -- -- Adds useful views -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz) -- -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-1.0d5-1.1d1.sql,v 1.1 2003/09/28 01:24:27 lars Exp $ create or replace view workflow_case_assigned_actions as select c.workflow_id, c.case_id, c.object_id, a.action_id, a.assigned_role as role_id from workflow_cases c, workflow_case_fsm cfsm, workflow_actions a, workflow_fsm_action_en_in_st aeis where cfsm.case_id = c.case_id and a.always_enabled_p = 'f' and aeis.state_id = cfsm.current_state and aeis.assigned_p = 't' and a.action_id = aeis.action_id and a.assigned_role is not null;