Selva for designers

Selva simplifies the work of customizing the look and feel of your OpenACS/dotLRN website.


Not yet using Selva?

  1. Go to the Package manager page
  2. Click in 'install packages'
  3. The system will check for all uninstalled packages in your local directory. Choose theme-selva.
  4. Restart the server
The following documentation will be useful.

How to modify Selva templates

Modifying selva's theme

You can create a new theme by copying /packages/new-portal/www/themes/selva-theme.adp to /packages/new-portal/www/themes/yourtheme.adp and the directory (that conpatins the theme's images) sloan-theme to yourtheme-theme.
This changes the inside of the portlet.
(still do not know how to get it listed in /dotlrn/admin/templates) changed main-navigation for portal navigation class in /packages/dotlrn/tcl/navigation-procs.tcl

Modifying SelvaFlex theme

New themes should be added in the www/resources directory. Each directory should contain all images and a single selva.css file.

Selva presentation and Quality Assurance

In order to improve and maintain the quality of the themes in Selva we would like all 'certified' themes to be Accesible W3C Level A compliant and XHTML compliant.

Making your page accessible

A comple accessibility analysis was performed on the portal template used in dotlrn 2.1.1. You should read "Towards an Accessible Learning Management System for a full description.

Making your page XHTML compliant

Check out the same document above.


A number of people has collaborated with these themes: