postgresql7.3 SELECT ts.task_id, ts.task_id as item_id, ts.task_number, t.task_revision_id, t.title, o.package_id as instance_id, t.parent_id as project_item_id, to_char(t.earliest_start,'J') as earliest_start_j, to_char(current_timestamp,'J') as today_j, to_char(t.latest_start,'J') as latest_start_j, to_char(t.latest_finish,'J') as latest_finish_j, to_char(t.latest_start,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as latest_start, to_char(t.latest_finish,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as latest_finish, t.percent_complete, t.estimated_hours_work, t.estimated_hours_work_min, t.estimated_hours_work_max, case when t.actual_hours_worked is null then 0 else t.actual_hours_worked end as actual_hours_worked, to_char(t.earliest_start,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as earliest_start, to_char(t.earliest_finish,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as earliest_finish, to_char(t.latest_start,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as latest_start, to_char(t.latest_finish,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as latest_finish, p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name || ' (' || substring(r.one_line from 1 for 1) || ')' as full_name, p.person_id, s.status_type as status, r.is_lead_p, projectr.title as project_name FROM acs_objects o, pm_tasks_active ts, pm_task_status s, cr_items i, pm_tasks_revisionsx t LEFT JOIN pm_task_assignment ta ON t.item_id = ta.task_id LEFT JOIN persons p ON ta.party_id = p.person_id LEFT JOIN pm_roles r ON ta.role_id = r.role_id, cr_items projecti, cr_revisions projectr WHERE ts.status = s.status_id and ts.task_id = t.item_id and i.item_id = t.item_id and t.task_revision_id = i.live_revision and t.end_date >= :first_of_month_date and t.end_date <= :last_of_month_date and t.parent_id = projecti.item_id and o.object_id=t.item_id and projecti.live_revision = projectr.revision_id $instance_clause $hide_closed_clause $selected_users_clause ORDER BY t.latest_start, ts.task_id, r.role_id, p.first_names, p.last_name SELECT t.item_id as task_id, t.parent_id as project_item_id, t.title, to_char(t.end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as day_date, to_char(t.end_date,'J') as day_date_j, s.status_type as status, s.description as status_description, t.priority, t.parent_id, r.is_lead_p, op.title as project_name, op.package_id as instance_id, ta.party_id as person_id FROM (select tr.* from cr_items ci, pm_tasks_revisionsx tr -- get only live revisions where ci.live_revision = tr.task_revision_id) t, pm_tasks_active ti, pm_task_status s, pm_task_assignment ta, pm_roles r, cr_items cp, acs_objects op where t.parent_id = cp.item_id and t.item_id = ti.task_id and ti.status = s.status_id and cp.live_revision = op.object_id and t.item_id = ta.task_id and ta.role_id = r.role_id and ta.party_id in ([join $selected_users ","]) and s.status_type = 'o' $hide_closed_clause $instance_clause and t.end_date >= :first_of_month_date and t.end_date <= :last_of_month_date ORDER BY t.end_date SELECT p.item_id as project_item_id, p.project_id, p.status_id, p.parent_id as folder_id, p.object_type as content_type, p.title as project_name, p.project_code, f.package_id as instance_id, to_char(p.planned_start_date, 'MM/DD/YY') as planned_start_date, to_char(p.planned_end_date, 'MM/DD/YY') as planned_end_date, p.ongoing_p, c.category_id, c.category_name, to_char(p.planned_end_date,'J') as deadline_j, p.earliest_finish_date - current_date as days_to_earliest_finish, p.latest_finish_date - current_date as days_to_latest_finish, p.actual_hours_completed, p.estimated_hours_total, to_char(p.estimated_finish_date, 'MM/DD/YY') as estimated_finish_date, to_char(p.earliest_finish_date, 'MM/DD/YY') as earliest_finish_date, to_char(p.latest_finish_date, 'MM/DD/YY') as latest_finish_date, persons.first_names || ' ' || persons.last_name || ' (' || substring(r.one_line from 1 for 1) || ')' as full_name, persons.person_id, case when is null then '--no customer--' else end as customer_name, o.organization_id as customer_id FROM pm_projectsx p LEFT JOIN pm_project_assignment pa ON p.item_id = pa.project_id LEFT JOIN persons ON pa.party_id = persons.person_id LEFT JOIN pm_roles r ON pa.role_id = r.role_id LEFT JOIN organizations o ON p.customer_id = o.organization_id LEFT JOIN ( select om.category_id, om.object_id, as category_name from category_object_map om, category_translations t, categories ctg where om.category_id = t.category_id and ctg.category_id = t.category_id and ctg.deprecated_p = 'f') c ON p.item_id = c.object_id, cr_items i, cr_folders f WHERE p.project_id = i.live_revision and i.parent_id = f.folder_id $instance_clause $selected_users_clause and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map ppm where ppm.object_id = p.project_id and ppm.privilege = 'read' and ppm.party_id = :user_id)