LORS Management .LRN Installation

LORS Documentation: LORS Management
By Ernie Ghiglione.

.LRN Installation

Getting the code from the openacs.org CVS repository

You can get the code from the openacs.org cvs repository

There are four packages you need to install in your yourlrndirectory/packages directory


cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@openacs.org:/cvsroot co openacs-4/packages/lors
LORS Management
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@openacs.org:/cvsroot co openacs-4/packages/lorsm
LORS Management Portlet
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@openacs.org:/cvsroot \
co openacs-4/packages/lorsm-portlet
LORS Management Applet
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@openacs.org:/cvsroot \
co openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-lorsm

Getting the code in a Tarball

At the moment, there's no tarball. You can email me and I'll send you one

Installing LORS Management in .LRN

On a new installation

If you haven't installed .LRN yet, you can add the following line to your install.xml file in your .LRN folder:

<application name="dotlrn" pretty-name=".LRN" home="http://openacs.org/projects/dotlrn" min_stack_size="512"><b>
    <install package="dotlrn-lorsm"/><br>

Again, double-check that the four packages that you got from cvs are in the right directory: yourlrndirectory/packages.

On an existing installation

Note: remember that you need to must have installed file-storage vesion 5.1 in order for LORS to work. If your existing application runs on a lower version of file-storage, upgrading to 5.1 might break somethings. At the moment where this document was written, file-storage version 5.1 was not part of the .LRN 2.0.3 tarball.

Once you have all four packages already in your youlrndirectory/packages and you have installed file-storage version 5.1 or higher, then you can install LORS Management by logging as an administrator and going to http://yoursite.com/acs-admin. Once there, you'll see a link to Install Software.

Then, you will be prompted to choose whether you want to install an application or a service from the OpenACS.org repository or from your file system. Since you already checkout out the four packages from CVS and put them on your yourlrndirectory/packages, you can choose to install a service from your file system:

Select now dotLRN LORS Management Applet

... and this will install all the dependencies accordingly...

Now we are almost there, so just click on Install above packages and take it easy while you see the following screen:

If no error messages appear, you'll see this screen:

Now, click on restart your server.. And that's it folks, you've got yourself LORS Management!

Add LORS Management to a class

To add LORS Management to a class, just go to your admin class page and click on Manage Applets

Click on the add LORS Management Applet

Go back to your class page...

Go back to your class page...

And there you go... LORS Management ;-)

cvs: $Id: lorsm_installation.html,v 1.7 2018/03/23 23:53:02 hectorr Exp $