cp.man_id, cp.course_name, cp.identifier, cp.version, cp.fs_package_id,
case when cp.fs_package_id is null then 't'
else 'f'
end as lorsm_p,
cp.folder_id, acs.creation_user, acs.creation_date, pf.folder_name,
pf.format_name, acs.context_id, cpmc.community_id, cpmc.lorsm_instance_id
from ims_cp_manifests cp, acs_objects acs, ims_cp_manifest_class cpmc, lorsm_course_presentation_formats pf
where cp.man_id = acs.object_id
and cp.man_id = cpmc.man_id
and cpmc.lorsm_instance_id = :package
and cpmc.isenabled = 't'
and pf.format_id = cp.course_presentation_format
order by acs.creation_date desc
select v.last_viewed
from views_views v, ims_cp_items i, ims_cp_organizations o
where v.viewer_id = :user_id
and v.object_id = i.ims_item_id
and i.org_id = o.org_id
and o.man_id = :man_id
order by v.last_viewed desc
limit 1
select i.ims_item_id
from ims_cp_items i, ims_cp_organizations o
where o.man_id = :man_id
and i.org_id = o.org_id
select v.object_id
from views_views v
where v.viewer_id = :user_id
and v.object_id in ([join $all_items ,])
select item_id
from cr_revisions
where revision_id = :man_id
select cp.man_id,
case when upper(scorm_type) = 'SCO' then 'delivery-scorm'
else 'delivery'
end as needscorte
from ims_cp_manifests cp left join ( select man_id, max(scorm_type) as scorm_type
from ims_cp_resources
group by man_id )
as cpr using (man_id)
where cp.man_id = :man_id
case when upper(scorm_type) = 'SCO' then 'delivery-scorm'
else 'delivery'
end as deliverymethod
from ims_cp_manifests cp left join ( select man_id, max(scorm_type) as scorm_type
from ims_cp_resources
group by man_id )
as cpr using (man_id), lorsm_course_presentation_formats pf
where cp.man_id = :man_id
and cp.parent_man_id = 0
and cp.course_presentation_format = pf.format_id
select lorsm.track_id as track_id, cmi.lesson_status as lesson_status
from lorsm_student_track lorsm, lorsm_cmi_core cmi
where lorsm.user_id = $user_id
and lorsm.community_id = $community_id
and lorsm.course_id = $man_id
and lorsm.track_id = cmi.track_id
and cmi.man_id = $man_id
and cmi.item_id = $man_id
order by lorsm.track_id desc
limit 1