select count(*) from ec_customer_service_issues issues, ec_user_identification id where issues.user_identification_id = id.user_identification_id and close_date is NULL and deleted_p = 'f' and 0 = (select count(*) from ec_cs_issue_type_map map where map.issue_id=issues.issue_id) select picklist_item from ec_picklist_items where picklist_name='issue_type' order by sort_key select count(*) from ec_customer_service_issues issues, ec_user_identification id where issues.user_identification_id = id.user_identification_id and close_date is NULL and deleted_p = 'f' and 1 <= (select count(*) from ec_cs_issue_type_map map where map.issue_id=issues.issue_id and map.issue_type=:issue_type) select count(*) from ec_customer_service_issues issues, ec_user_identification id where issues.user_identification_id = id.user_identification_id and close_date is NULL and deleted_p = 'f' $last_bit_of_query