postgresql 7.1 select site_node__url(s.node_id) from site_nodes s, apm_packages a where s.object_id = a.package_id and a.package_key = 'ecommerce' select site_node__url(s.node_id) from site_nodes s, apm_packages a where s.object_id = a.package_id and a.package_key = '$package_key' select c.one_line_summary, c.rating, c.user_comment, to_char(c.last_modified,'Day Month DD, YYYY') as last_modified_pretty,, u.user_id from ec_product_comments c, cc_users u where c.user_id = u.user_id and c.product_id = :product_id $end_of_comment_query select category_id, subcategory_id, subsubcategory_id, product_id from ($common_sql) as dummy limit 1 select case when current_timestamp > available_date then 1 when current_timestamp-available_date is NULL then 1 else 0 end as available_p, color_list, size_list, style_list, no_shipping_avail_p, product_name, one_line_description, sku, weight, shipping, shipping_additional from ec_products where product_id = :product_id select to_char(available_date,'Month DD, YYYY') as available_date from ec_products where product_id = :product_id insert into ec_user_sessions (user_session_id, ip_address, start_time, http_user_agent) values (:user_session_id, :ip_address, current_timestamp, :http_user_agent) select min(case when ucp.price is null then p.price when p.price < ucp.price then p.price else ucp.price end) as regular_price, ucp.user_class_name from ec_products p left join (select uc.product_id, uc.price, c.user_class_name from ec_product_user_class_prices uc, ec_user_classes c, ec_user_class_user_map m where uc.user_class_id = c.user_class_id and uc.product_id = :product_id and uc.user_class_id = m.user_class_id and m.user_id = :user_id and m.user_class_approved_p = 't' order by uc.price limit 1) as ucp using (product_id) where p.product_id = :product_id group by p.product_id, ucp.user_class_name select min(case when ucp.price is null then p.price when p.price < ucp.price then p.price else ucp.price end) as regular_price, ucp.user_class_name from ec_products p left join (select uc.product_id, uc.price, c.user_class_name from ec_product_user_class_prices uc, ec_user_classes c, ec_user_class_user_map m where uc.user_class_id = c.user_class_id and uc.product_id = :product_id and uc.user_class_id = m.user_class_id and m.user_id = :user_id and (m.user_class_approved_p is null or m.user_class_approved_p = 't') order by uc.price limit 1) as ucp using (product_id) where p.product_id = :product_id group by p.product_id, ucp.user_class_name