postgresql 7.3 int4 integer varchar text boolean boolean numeric number real number float number integer integer serial integer date date timestamptz date "timestamp with time zone" date "timestamp without time zone" date timestamp date "time without time zone" time_of_day "time with time zone" time_of_day time time_of_day "" enumeration "" url "" email "" keyword SELECT attname as column_name, typname as data_type FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.oid = a.attrelid AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND a.attnum > 0 AND c.relname=:table select attname from pg_attribute, pg_constraint, pg_class where contype='p' and conrelid=pg_class.oid and pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_constraint.conkey) and pg_attribute.attrelid=pg_class.oid and upper(pg_class.relname)=upper(:table) select object_type from (select fa.attname, fc.relname from pg_attribute fa, pg_attribute pa, pg_constraint c, pg_class pc, pg_class fc where c.contype='f' and c.conrelid=pc.oid and pa.attnum = any(c.conkey) and fa.attnum = any(c.confkey) and pa.attrelid=pc.oid and upper(pc.relname)=upper(:table) and upper(pa.attname)=upper(:id_column) and fa.attrelid=c.confrelid and fc.oid=fa.attrelid) as st, acs_object_types t where t.id_column=st.attname and t.table_name=st.relname select pa1.attname, pa2.attname, pc2.relname, case when ot.object_type is null then 0 else 1 end as object_p from pg_attribute pa1, pg_attribute pa2, pg_constraint, pg_class pc1, pg_class pc2 left join acs_object_types ot on pc2.relname=ot.table_name where conrelid=pc1.oid and pc1.relname=:table and contype='f' and confrelid=pc2.oid and pa2.attnum = any(pg_constraint.confkey) and pa2.attrelid=pc2.oid and pc1.oid=pa1.attrelid and pa1.attnum=any(pg_constraint.conkey);