begin; -- dotlrn_communities is a view and cannot be used as -- table_name. update acs_object_types set table_name = 'dotlrn_communities_all' where object_type = 'dotlrn_community'; update acs_object_types set table_name = 'dotlrn_class_instances' where object_type = 'dotlrn_class_instance'; update acs_object_types set table_name = 'dotlrn_clubs' where object_type = 'dotlrn_club'; -- Tables defined for these objects don't really exist, as they -- are just plain relational segments without additional -- meatadata. update acs_object_types set table_name = null, id_column = null where object_type = 'dotlrn_guest_rel'; update acs_object_types set table_name = null, id_column = null where object_type = 'dotlrn_non_guest_rel'; -- ---- end;