-- -- packages/ams/sql/postgresql/populate.sql -- -- @author Matthew Geddert openacs@geddert.com -- @creation-date 2004-09-07 -- @cvs-id $Id: populate.sql,v 1.4 2005/05/28 15:37:27 maltes Exp $ -- -- insert into ams_storage_types ( storage_type ) values ( 'telecom_number' ); insert into ams_storage_types ( storage_type ) values ( 'postal_address' ); insert into ams_storage_types ( storage_type ) values ( 'ams_options' ); insert into ams_storage_types ( storage_type ) values ( 'time' ); insert into ams_storage_types ( storage_type ) values ( 'value' ); insert into ams_storage_types ( storage_type ) values ( 'value_with_mime_type' ); -- -- Note, I am very open to adding new unique widgets. -- I am simply adding those I personally could imagine -- needing in the near future for my projects. I am sure -- that there will be others that other programmers need. -- So, If you would like a new widget and possibly a new -- storage type added to the default configuration of -- this package please contact me. -- -- Matthew -- insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'postal_address', '#ams.Address#', '#ams.Addresses#', 'postal_address', 'string', 'address', 'address', null ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'telecom_number', '#ams.Telecom_Number#', '#ams.Telecom_Numbers#', 'telecom_number', 'string', 'telecom_number', 'telecom_number', '{html {size 12 maxlenth 50}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'date', '#ams.Date#', '#ams.Date#', 'time', 'date', 'date', 'date', '{help}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'select', '#ams.Select# - #ams.One_Option_Allowed#', '#ams.Selects# - #ams.One_Option_Allowed#', 'ams_options', 'string', 'select', 'integer', null ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'radio', '#ams.Radio# - #ams.One_Option_Allowed#', '#ams.Radios# - #ams.One_Option_Allowed#', 'ams_options', 'string', 'radio', 'integer', null ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'checkbox', '#ams.Checkboxes# - #ams.Multiple_Options_Allowed#', '#ams.Checkboxes# - #ams.Multiple_Options_Allowed#', 'ams_options', 'string', 'checkbox', 'integer', '{multiple}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'multiselect', '#ams.Multiselect# - #ams.Multiple_Options_Allowed#', '#ams.Multiselects# - #ams.Multiple_Options_Allowed#', 'ams_options', 'string', 'multiselect', 'integer', '{multiple}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'multiselect_single', '#ams.Multiselect# - #ams.One_Option_Allowed#', '#ams.Multiselects# - #ams.One_Option_Allowed#', 'ams_options', 'string', 'multiselect', 'integer', null ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'integer', '#ams.Integer#', '#ams.Integers#', 'value', 'integer', 'text', 'integer', '{html {size 6}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'textbox_small', '#ams.Textbox# - #ams.Small#', '#ams.Textboxes# - #ams.Small#', 'value', 'string', 'text', 'text', '{html {size 18}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'textbox_medium', '#ams.Textbox# - #ams.Medium#', '#ams.Textboxes# - #ams.Medium#', 'value', 'string', 'text', 'text', '{html {size 30}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'textbox_large', '#ams.Textbox# - #ams.Large#', '#ams.Textboxes# - #ams.Large#', 'value', 'string', 'text', 'text', '{html {size 50}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'textarea_small', '#ams.Textarea# - #ams.Small#', '#ams.Textareas# - #ams.Small#', 'value', 'text', 'textarea', 'text', '{html {cols 60 rows 6}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'textarea_small_nospell', '#ams.Textarea# - #ams.Small# - #ams.No_Spellcheck#', '#ams.Textareas# - #ams.Small# - #ams.No_Spellcheck#', 'value', 'text', 'textarea', 'text', '{html {cols 60 rows 6}} {nospell}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'textarea_medium', '#ams.Textarea# - #ams.Medium#', '#ams.Textareas# - #ams.Medium#', 'value', 'text', 'textarea', 'text', '{html {cols 80 rows 10}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'textarea_large', '#ams.Textarea# - #ams.Large#', '#ams.Textareas# - #ams.Large#', 'value', 'text', 'textarea', 'text', '{html {cols 80 rows 24}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'richtext_medium', '#ams.Richtext# - #ams.Medium#', '#ams.Richtexts# - #ams.Medium#', 'value_with_mime_type', 'text', 'richtext', 'richtext', '{html {cols 80 rows 10}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'richtext_large', '#ams.Richtext# - #ams.Large#', '#ams.Richtexts# - #ams.Large#', 'value_with_mime_type', 'text', 'richtext', 'richtext', '{html {cols 80 rows 24}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'email', '#ams.Email_Address#', '#ams.Email_Addresses#', 'value', 'email', 'text', 'email', '{html {size 30}}' ); insert into ams_widgets ( widget_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, storage_type, acs_datatype, widget, datatype, parameters ) values ( 'url', '#ams.Url#', '#ams.Urls#', 'value', 'url', 'text', 'url', '{html {size 30}}' );