create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare one_user_id integer; bio_id integer; bio_mime_type_id integer; attr_id integer; begin if exists(select 1 from acs_attributes where object_type = ''person'' and attribute_name = ''bio'' and storage = ''type_specific'') then return 0; end if; alter table persons add bio text; drop view acs_users_all; create view acs_users_all as select pa.*, pe.*, u.* from parties pa, persons pe, users u where pa.party_id = pe.person_id and pe.person_id = u.user_id; bio_mime_type_id := attribute_id from acs_attributes where object_type = ''person'' and attribute_name = ''bio_mime_type''; bio_id := attribute_id from acs_attributes where object_type = ''person'' and attribute_name = ''bio''; for one_user_id in select user_id from users loop if exists(select attr_value from acs_attribute_values where object_id = one_user_id and attribute_id = bio_id) then update persons set bio = (select attr_value from acs_attribute_values where object_id = one_user_id and attribute_id = bio_id) where person_id = one_user_id; end if; end loop; delete from acs_attribute_values where attribute_id = bio_id; delete from acs_attribute_values where attribute_id = bio_mime_type_id; perform acs_attribute__drop_attribute (''person'',''bio''); perform acs_attribute__drop_attribute (''person'',''bio_mime_type''); attr_id := acs_attribute__create_attribute ( ''person'', ''bio'', ''string'', ''#acs-kernel.Bio#'', ''#acs-kernel.Bios#'', null, null, null, 0, 1, null, ''type_specific'', ''f'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 ();