declare begin :1 := ( start_date => to_date(:sql_start_date,:date_format), end_date => to_date(:sql_end_date,:date_format) ); end; declare begin :1 := ( activity_id => :activity_id, timespan_id => :timespan_id, creation_user => :creation_user, creation_ip => :creation_ip, context_id => :context_id ); end; declare begin ( event_id => :event_id, venue_id => :venue_id, display_after => :display_after, max_people => :max_people, reg_deadline => to_date(:sql_reg_deadline,:date_format), available_p => :available_p, deleted_p => :deleted_p, reg_cancellable_p => :reg_cancellable_p, reg_needs_approval_p => :reg_needs_approval_p, contact_user_id => :contact_user_id, refreshments_note => :refreshments_note, av_note => :av_note, additional_note => :additional_note, alternative_reg => :alternative_reg, activity_id => :activity_id ); end; declare begin :1 := ( activity_id => :activity_id, venue_id => :venue_id, display_after => :display_after, max_people => :max_people, reg_deadline => to_date(:sql_reg_deadline,:date_format), available_p => :available_p, deleted_p => :deleted_p, reg_cancellable_p => :reg_cancellable_p, reg_needs_approval_p => :reg_needs_approval_p, refreshments_note => :refreshments_note, av_note => :av_note, additional_note => :additional_note, alternative_reg => :alternative_reg, timespan_id => :timespan_id, creation_user => :creation_user, creation_ip => :creation_ip ); end; select a.activity_id,, aa.description, e.display_after,, v.usps_abbrev, v.venue_id, CASE WHEN to_char(t.start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = to_char(t.end_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') THEN to_char(t.start_date, :date_format) || ' from ' || to_char(t.start_date, :time_format) || ' to ' || to_char(t.end_date, :time_format) ELSE to_char(t.start_date, :date_format) || ' ' || to_char(t.start_date, :time_format) || ' - ' || to_char(t.end_date, :date_format) || ' ' || to_char(t.end_date, :time_format) END as timespan, to_char(e.reg_deadline, :date_format) || ' ' || to_char(e.reg_deadline, :time_format) as reg_deadline, e.available_p, e.max_people, e.refreshments_note, e.av_note, e.additional_note, ae.timespan_id, a.detail_url, decode(e.reg_cancellable_p, 't', 'Yes', 'f', 'No', 'No') as pretty_reg_cancellable_p, decode (e.reg_needs_approval_p, 't', 'Yes', 'f', 'No', 'No') as pretty_reg_needs_approval_p, e.reg_cancellable_p, e.reg_needs_approval_p, e.contact_user_id, nvl (, '') as contact_email, (select count(*) from events_events ee2, acs_events ae2, timespans ts2, time_intervals ti2 where ee2.event_id != e.event_id and ee2.available_p = 't' and ae2.event_id = ee2.event_id and ae2.activity_id = a.activity_id and ts2.timespan_id = ae2.timespan_id and ti2.interval_id = ts2.interval_id and ti2.start_date > sysdate ) as num_other_times from acs_events ae, acs_activities aa, events_events e, events_activities a, events_venues v, timespans s, time_intervals t, cc_users u where e.event_id = :event_id and ae.event_id = :event_id and e.contact_user_id = u.user_id(+) and ae.activity_id = a.activity_id and a.activity_id = aa.activity_id and v.venue_id = e.venue_id and ae.timespan_id = s.timespan_id and s.interval_id = t.interval_id update events_events set venue_id = :venue_id, max_people = :max_people, reg_cancellable_p = :reg_cancellable_p, reg_needs_approval_p = :reg_needs_approval_p, contact_user_id = :contact_user_id, display_after = :display_after, reg_deadline = to_date(:sql_reg_deadline,:date_format) where event_id = :event_id update time_intervals set start_date = to_date(:sql_start_date,:date_format), end_date = to_date(:sql_end_date,:date_format) where interval_id = :interval_id declare begin events_event.del(:event_id); end; update events_events set available_p = util.logical_negation(available_p) where event_id = :event_id select to_date(:bulk_mail_send_date, 'DDD YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as bulk_mail_send_date from dual update bulk_mail_messages set send_date = to_date(:bulk_mail_send_date, :bulk_mail_date_format), subject = :subject, message = :message, from_addr = :from_addr where bulk_mail_id = :bulk_mail_id $query and rownum=1 select t.count as total_interested, ee.max_people, a.count as approved, p.count as pending, w.count as waiting, c.count as canceled, v.venue_id from (select count(*) as count from events_registrations where event_id = :event_id and reg_state = 'approved') a, (select count(*) as count from events_registrations where event_id = :event_id and reg_state = 'pending') p, (select count(*) as count from events_registrations where event_id = :event_id and reg_state = 'waiting') w, (select count(*) as count from events_registrations where event_id = :event_id and reg_state = 'canceled') c, (select count(*) as count from events_registrations where event_id = :event_id and reg_state <> 'canceled') t, events_events ee, events_venues v where ee.event_id = :event_id and ee.venue_id = v.venue_id