select keyword_id from cr_keywords where heading = :heading and description = :description select folder_id from cr_folders f, cr_items i where = :name and f.label = :label and f.description = :description select a.package_id from apm_packages a, site_nodes s where package_key = :package_key and a.package_id = s.object_id select table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = :content_type select coalesce(aa.column_name, aa.attribute_name) as column_name, aa.datatype from acs_attributes aa, ca_attributes ca, acs_object_types at where aa.attribute_id = ca.attribute_id and (ca.package_id = :package_id or ca.sitewide_p = 't') and aa.object_type = :content_type and at.object_type = :content_type $storage_stub $query_string select supertype from acs_object_types where object_type = :content_type SELECT COUNT(*) FROM acs_attributes WHERE object_type = 'ca_ad' AND attribute_name = :attrib