# Interface between MongoDB and the Next Scripting Framework # This is an interface between MongoDB based on NSF (Next Scripting Framework) This implementation provides a low-level interface based on tagged elements to force / preserve the datatypes of MongoDB when converting into Tcl. This code serves as well as an example how to use the source code generator of NSF. The example shows how to use the source code generator from NSF to generate a C interface. -gustaf neumann March 27, 2011 -stefan sobernig May 6, 2019 ## Ingredients: ## https://github.com/mongodb/mongo https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver The current version of the NSF mongo binding is 2.2 and was tested with - Tcl 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 - MongoDB 4.0.9 (released April 16, 2019) - mongodb-c-driver 1.14.0 (released February 22, 2019) - libbson 1.14.0 (released February 22, 2019) Follow the following steps to get MongoDB up and running and to compile the MongoDB driver for NX. ## Obtain MongoDB and Mongo-C-Driver: ## - Compile or obtain MongoDB (the database). - Compile or obtain the mongo-c-driver (client interface) ```` cd /usr/local/src wget https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/1.12.0/mongo-c-driver-1.12.0.tar.gz tar zxvf mongo-c-driver-1.12.0.tar.gz rm -rf mongo-c-driver ln -sf mongo-c-driver-1.12.0 mongo-c-driver cd mongo-c-driver cmake . make sudo make install ```` Alternatively, one can get the newest version from git ```` cd /usr/local/src git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver cd mongo-c-driver cmake . make sudo make install ```` If you experience errors during autogen on Debian, you might have to apt-get install libtool If configure complains about not finding bson, you might have to do export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig Note: Version 1.5.1 of the c-driver leads on macOS to a crash on exit, when configured SASL support (from mac ports) and the flag "--disable-automatic-init-and-cleanup" is missing. ## Compiling the MongoDB NSF Binding: ## Assume the following installation directories - Tcl: /usr/local/ns/lib/ - mongo-c-driver: /usr/local/src/mongo-c-driver/ Configure the MongoDB NSF interface via the following command in the directory nsf*/library/mongodb/ You will probably have to adjust the paths. ```` ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/ns/lib/ --prefix=/usr/local/ns --with-nsf=../../ \ --with-mongoc=/usr/local/include/libmongoc-1.0/,/usr/local/lib/ \ --with-bson=/usr/local/include/libbson-1.0,/usr/local/lib/ \ --enable-threads --enable-symbols ```` In order to run the NSF sample script, perform the following steps * first start the mongodb (e.g. mongod) * go to your NSF source directory * make sure, the c-driver libraries are on the library path (assuming the c-driver was installed in /usr/local/lib) Linux: ```` export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:`pwd` ```` macOS: ```` export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:`pwd` ```` * run ```` ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nsf-mongo.test ```` The script tests the low-level interface (nsf::mongo) and the high-level one (nx::mongo), with each exercising a few insert, query and delete statements. After running this script, you should check the content using the MongoDB shell: ```` % mongo MongoDB shell version: v4.0.9 connecting to: test > use tutorial switched to db tutorial > db.persons.find(); { "_id" : ObjectId("530c6e4649686ad16e261f81"), "name" : "Gustaf", "projects" : "nsf", "age" : 53 } { "_id" : ObjectId("530c6e4649686ad16e261f82"), "name" : "Stefan", "projects" : "nsf" } { "_id" : ObjectId("530c6e4649686ad16e261f83"), "name" : "Victor", "a" : [ "x", "y" ], "age" : 31 } { "_id" : ObjectId("530c6e4649686ad16e261f84"), "name" : "Joe", "projects" : "abc", "age" : 23, "classes" : [ DBRef("courses", ObjectId("100000000000000000000000")) ] } { "_id" : ObjectId("530c6e4649686ad16e261f85"), "name" : "Franz", "info" : { "x" : 203, "y" : 102 }, "age" : 29, "projects" : "gtat" } { "_id" : ObjectId("530c6e4649686ad16e261f86"), "name" : "Selim", "ts" : Timestamp(1302945037, 1), "d" : ISODate("2011-04-16T09:53:39.279Z") } > quit() ```` ## Testing the object oriented mapping between NX and MongoDB: ## Test the basic mapping and the OO query methods: ```` ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nx-mongo.test ```` Show the classical Business Informer example in NX: ```` ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nx-bi.test ```` Further test scripts for reference handling, serialization and MongoDB GridFS. ```` ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nx-reference-one.test ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nx-reference-many.test ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nx-rep.test ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nx-serialize.test ./nxsh library/mongodb/tests/nsf-gridfs.test ````