, or Update Basic Information A member of the %system_name% community since About you Your account at %system_name% has been closed. No, take me back to %pvt_home_name% Description please - does this refer to 'Close account' on the 'Your(/My) Account' page? Where ist the user taken if he doesn't confirm? On the 'MySpace' page? (pvt=private?) --Anja Wicht Yes, please close my account <p>Your account is currently closed.</p> <p>If you wish, we can <a href="%restore_url%">reopen your account</a>.</p> Account Closed <p> Your account is currently <strong>closed</strong>. <a href="%login_url%">Log in</a> again to see what you can do about it. </p> This account is not available at this time. Your account at %system_name% has been reopened. Welcome back. Account Reopened Action Active Add Add a group of this type Add a permissible relationship type Add an attribute Add another hostname/URL pair Add application Add Applications add folder Add group type Add multiple applications Add new application Add Pair Add permissible relationship type Add a relationship type for %group_type% Add this user Add type Add User Add users Additional Information Control Panel Admin Administer %subsite_name% Administration Administrative options for this user Advanced Advanced Features Alert Type Alias another picture. Answer Anyone Application Application Error Application name Applications Approve at Attributes can only be added by programmers since this object type is not dynamically created Attributes of this type of group Internal error during authentication Login type Bad Password Ban Basic Information Biographies Biography Biography Mime Type Biography Mime Types Build Site Map by group type Retrieving password from local authority is not supported. Cannot see the members list Caption Change language Change your email privacy level Change your password Change password, email, portrait You have (or someone impersonating you has) requested to change your system password. To complete the change, visit the following link: If you are not the person who made this request, you don't need to take any action. Change Password Request for Check Your Inbox Children Choose a custom registration questionnaire : Pick the questionnaire that will be displayed to new users.<br> It can be used to perform automated actions (e.g. add users to specific groups, notify specific people about new registrations, etc.). Choose the layout and navigation theme you want for your subsite. <p> Please confirm that you would like to close your account at %system_name%. </p> <p> Closing your account means that we will no longer send you email notifications, nor will you show up in lists of members at %system_name%. Your contributions to the community, however, will be preserved, as they're part of the community's history. </p> <p> Note that you may reopen your account at any time, simply by logging in again. </p> Close your account Closed Group Comment Communities communities community Configuration Configure Confirm You have successfully chosen a new password. Continue Continue to %pvt_home_name% Convert to descendent subsite type Core Services Country Name Create Create a new relationship type Create a new custom registration questionnaire Create new application Create new %pretty_name% Create new subsite Create relation type Current Password Your online status is currently not visible to other users. Currently the %instance_name% has the following groups Currently, the system is able to handle the following types of groups Currently the system is able to handle the following relational segments Currently the system is able to handle the following types of relationships Your online status is currently visible to other users. Customize Question Database Error Date of birth Default allowed relationship types default context Default join policy Define a new group type Define a new relationship type Delete delete Delete selected applications Delete this application Delete this group type Delete this theme Description Details for Group Type "%group_type_pretty_name%" DevAdmin Can we please have a description about the purpose of this key? Developer's Administration Direct Permissions Disable Disabled Domain E-mail Edit edit Edit application name and path Edit Selected Questionnaire Edit Caption edit comment Edit Options Edit this theme Certain elements are not editable, because they are managed by %authority_name%. Email #acs-subsite.Email# already exists Allow others to contact me through a web form Allow contact with a form Show my E-mail as an image Show email as an image Show my E-mail as text Show E-mail as text Here is your new login information: %account_id_label%: %account_id% %password_label%: %password% Please visit the following link to change your password now: %reset_password_url% Thank you for registering at %system_name%. Here's how you can log in at %system_url%: %account_id_label%: %account_id% %password_label%: %password% Please visit the following link to change your password now: %reset_password_url% Email Confirmation Don't show my E-mail Don't show E-mail Not available An email address is not on record for your account. Please enter your email address. Email not Requested Email required Your forgotten password on %system_name% %system_name% Validation E-mail Enabled Enter your username to begin password recovery. Erase Erase Portrait erase portrait Error Error sending mail We got an error sending out the email for email verification We experienced an error while trying to register an account for you. We experienced an error while trying to update the account information Expires Female Filename First name First name is not provided by the login authority. Please enter your first name. First, select the supertype for the new relationship type Forgot your password? Frequency Gender Go back go upload the user's portrait go upload your portrait Grant Grant Permission Group administration Members of Group: %group_name% Group type Group type administration Group Types Groups Groups of this type We already have a group with this email We already have a user with this email. We already have a user with this username. <p><h3>Help Information</h3> Hide Home page Host-Node Map Hostname Hostname must be unique Icon of envelope If you were to Information Updated Install Locales Invite Invite a user ISO Code ISO Code List ISO Codes Not Loaded ISO Codes not loaded Join community Join %group_name% Join policy Join subsite Join this community Join this subsite Key Keyword Last name Last name was not provided by the login authority. Please enter your last name. later. Leave community Leave subsite Leave this community Leave this subsite Go back without adding any users Log In log in Log in to %system_name% logging back in The login page has expired. Please log in again. Login or register login page Logout Logout from %system_name% , you'd be able to get more information on your fellow community member. Add checked users to users who have permissions on your object. Cannot join this group. Complete List of ISO Codes Continue working with %system_name% delete</a> </if> <if @nodes.parameters_url@ ne ""> <a href="@nodes.parameters_url@"><#_ parameters Something went horribly wrong here! Do not inherit from %parent_object_name% Edit comment for the portrait of %first_names% %last_name% %first_names% %last_name% (%email%) registered as a user of %system_url% For Site-Wide Administrators Grant Permission on %name% Here's what the database reported: How would you like the world to see %first_names% %last_name%? If you don't think the person has an account already: If you happen to know or believe that the person you would like to invite already has an account on this system: If you need this functionality, please load acs-reference and ref-countries. Inherit from %parent_object_name% Inherit permissions from the %parent_object_name% Inherited Permissions It would be a very bad idea to choose this option if you're using a shared computer in a library or school. Any subsequent user of this machine would be able to masquerade as you on our service. New registration at %system_url% Note text in red below the parameter entry fields indicates the value of this parameter is being overridden by an entry in the OpenACS parameter file. The use of the parameter file is discouraged but some sites need it to provide instance-specific values for parameters independent of the apm_parameter tables. Note that you can erase your saved email address and password by choosing the "log out" option from your workspace. %num_children% Children Hidden On %portrait_publish_date%, you uploaded <a href="%subsite_url%user/portrait/?return_url=%pvt_home_url%">%portrait_title%</a> Our server can tell your browser to remember certain things, such as your email address and password. This is convenient for you because, if you're the only person who uses your computer, you won't have to keep telling us your email address and password. Re-type password Personal Home Page URL: Please locate your country's code among those listed below then use the "back" button on your browser to return to the previous form. Please read and follow the instructions in this email. Please try to <a href="index">log in</a> again Portrait of %first_names% %last_name% Privileges higher in the hierarchy imply all the privileges below, e.g. when you grant admin, then read, write etc. are implied automatically. Problem with authentication Your account has not been confirmed yet. A validation email has been sent to %email%. To validate your account, please check your emails and follow the link provided in %system_name% email. A validation email has been sent to %email%. To validate your account, please check your emails and follow the link provided in %system_name% email. Your registration request has been submitted to the %system_name% administrator. It is still waiting approval. Saving email address and password Show everyone else at %system_name% how great looking you are: Sorry but it seems that you've been banned from %system_name%. Stop inheriting permissions from the %parent_object_name% Are you sure that you want to erase this user's portrait? Are you sure that you want to erase your portrait? The picture of you in the system is invalid. Please There are no users who don't already have access to this object There was a problem with authenticating your account This is the image that we show to other users at %system_name% This user doesn't have a portrait yet. You can This user is deleted and banned from the community. Hello, This message is to verify that the email address you registered with %system_name% is correct. To validate your address, click on the following link: %confirmation_url% If you have not registered with %system_name%, please ignore this message. Thanks, The %system_name% Team. Upload your favorite file, a scanned JPEG or GIF, from your desktop computer system (note that you can't refer to an image elsewhere on the Internet; this image must be on your computer's hard drive). Uploaded: %pretty_date% Uploaded: %publish_date% Use the "Browse..." button to locate your file, then click "Open". This user has a entered a biography or uploaded a portrait We can't find you (user %user_id%) in the users table. Probably your account was deleted for some reason. We had a problem processing your entry. We were not awaiting your email. There must be some mistake. %system_name% Validation Email What other people see when they click your name You can't have a &lt; in your first name because it will look like an HTML tag and confuse other users. You can't have a &lt; in your last name because it will look like an HTML tag and confuse other users. You have to provide at least an object_id_on or object_id_two You won't get any email until after %pretty_date%. Welcome. You have successfully validated your email address and you are now registered to %system_name%. To get started, click below to login. Your email has been confirmed. You are now awaiting approval from the %system_name% administrator. Your email is confirmed Your login has expired. Please retype your password to continue working. Your URL doesn't have the correct form. A valid URL would be something like "%valid_url_example%". Mail a message to: Make administrator Make member Make yourself invisible Make yourself visible Male Manage Portrait Manage unmounted applications Manage users E-mail privacy Manage your notifications Sorry, but you are not allowed to view the members list. Member Member State Members Members only Missing argument Modified mount Your Account Name New Application new application New Password New Subsite New subsite No applications No assessment available No ISO Codes This package does not have any parameters. your portrait No %pretty_plural% No services No user found with this username Nobody is online none Used to indicate that a list of permissions or objects is empty. Not logged in This is not a valid email address Note: Relational segments are created from the <a href='../groups/'>groups administration pages</a> Notes: Notice: number of groups defined number of relationships defined Object Types on %name% to: Online Your status has been set to invisible Your status has been set to visible Online time (optional) Options Or add a new user or the Parameters parameters Password Your login information on %system_name%: %account_id_label%: %account_id% Your password for this account has recently been changed. You don't need to do anything, this message is simply a notification to protect the security of your account. --------------- You can always change your password by doing the following: 1. Log in to %system_name% 2. Click on the "%pvt_home_name%" link 3. Choose "%password_update_link_text%" Password changed Your password must be changed regularly. Please change your password now. Passwords don't match This permission cannot be removed. Permissions permissions Permissions for %name% Place of birth Place of residence Please return to %home_link%. -- Please select -- Portrait Powered by <a href="http://openacs.org" title="The OpenACS Project Homepage">OpenACS</a> Pretty name Pretty plural Privacy There was a problem authenticating the account. Most likely, the database contains users with no member_state. Profile Question Re-enable Read Recover Password Refresh login Custom User Registration Questionnaire Register Registered hostname/URL pairs %system_name% Registration <p> Thank you for registering for %system_name%. An administrator has been notified of your request. </p> <p> Once you're approved, you'll get an email message and you can return to start using %system_name%. </p> Your email address is your %system_name% login. We will send you a validation message to confirm that you own this address. Reject Relational Segment administration Relational Segments relationship to site Relationship Types Relationship types administration Remember my login on this computer Remove remove Remove All rename Request membership of this community Request membership of this subsite Request to Change Password: A token for changing your password has been emailed to you. Follow the instructions in that email to change your password Your request to join group '%group_name%' has been submitted Request membership Reset Password return to application Revoke Checked Role Root Node Root URL Save comment Screen name This screen name is already taken. Screen name already taken Search For An Existing User Security context root See full size Select an Object by Id: Select Applications If the application is not in the list, you may need to <a href=\"/acs-admin/install/\">install</a> it on the server Select relation type Select Theme Send email to this user Send me a copy: Services Set the assessment for registration Show Site Map Site Map Instructions Site node you would like to map hostname to Site Wide Administration Site-wide administration Sorry, we can't help you with your forgotten password. Status Story Behind Photo Story Behind Photo Subcommunities subcommunities subcommunity subsite Subsite Configuration %subsite_name% Home Subsite name Subsite Package Subsites subsites You have successfully authenticated, but you do not have an account on %system_name% yet. Supertype Thank you. The ISO codes were not loaded on this server. The name of the new subsite you're setting up Theme theme Themes This group is closed. New members can only get access by invitation. This group type can only be administered by programmers This should be a short string, all lowercase, with hyphens instead of spaces, whicn will be used in the URL of the new application. If you leave this blank, we will generate one for you from name of the application. this subsite This user has left the community. To add a group first select a group type above or go to the <a href="../group-types/">group type administration</a> page To <strong>add an application</strong> to this site, use <em>new sub folder</em> to create a new site node beneath under the selected folder. Then choose <em>new application</em> to select an installed application package for instantiation. The application will then be available at the displayed URL. To <strong>configure</strong> an application select <em>set parameters</em> to view and edit application specific options. <em>set permissions</em> allows one to grant privileges to users and groups to specific application instances or other application data. For more info on parameters and permissions, see the package specific documentation. To <strong>copy</strong> an application instance to another URL, create a new folder as above, then select <em>mount</em>. Select the application to be copied from the list of available packages. Please check your inbox. Within the next few minutes, you should find an e-mail from %system_owner% with a new randomly generated password and instructions on how to proceed. Once received, go to To <strong>move</strong> an application, copy it as above to the new location, then select <em>unmount</em> at the old location. Selecting <em>delete</em> on the empty folder will remove it from the site node. To <strong>remove</strong> an application and all of its data, select <em>unmount</em> from all the site nodes it is mounted from, then <em>delete</em> it from the <em>Unmounted Applications</em> link below the site map. Topic type-specific info Unknown email unmount UP Can we please have a description of this key?? up to %context_name% Update Update Password upload upload a portrait Upload a replacement portrait Upload Portrait URL URL folder name Usage User name User Portrait User Portraits User Profile User Profiles Username No user with username '%username%' found for authority %this_authority% Username required User's Site Map Vacation Information Updated Your vacation information at %site_link% has been updated. View all online members. View all roles View Alphabetical Index Visible to Welcome, %user_name% When you leave a checkbox empty here then that privilege will be revoked from the party you choose in case it has been granted to that party before. Users currently online Who's Online Write Yes, I'm sure You are in the following groups: You can also browse from the You can always re-open it by You can specify the default types of relationships that can be used for groups of this type. Note that each group can later change its allowed relationship types. You do not have admin rights on object %root% or any of it's children You don't have a portrait yet. You can You have admin rights on the following objects: You currently have no email alerts registered. You have joined the group '%group_name%' Your Account Your discussion forum alerts Your Portrait Your %gc_system_name% alerts You're marked as back from vacation at %site_link%. Your request to join group '%group_name%' has been submitted. You have joined the group %group_name%. Error Joining We experienced an error adding you to the group. Bad Request The requested file was not found You don't have permissions to retrieve this page Server Error An error occurred while processing your request The service you requested is currently unavailable