-- select a group -- -- add column -- -- Create New Message -- -- None -- -- Not Specified -- -- remove column -- --select one-- Account Manager Absender Please select if you send this message yourself or the account manager Action Actions Add: Add Add a Group Add a Person Add an Organization Add Comment Add complaint to Add Condition Add Email Message Add Group Add Letter Message Add List Add Message Add New Add new %object_type% selected groups Add new owner Add Organization Add Owner Add Person Add Relationship Amount of relationships to be deleted Amount of relationships to be deleted Add relationship to these contacts Add relationship to this contact Add Search Add Signature Add the selected contacts to a category Add to Category Add to Group Add to group Add to Groups Add to List Add to Lists Add User Address Admin Administer Contacts Advanced Search Advanced Searches Aggregate Aggregate by Aggregated aggregated by: Set it to true if you want to use this extend in "Aggregated Result Page" Aggregated Report ago All All / Edit All Contacts and Answer Any Archive Archive the checked contacts Archived Are you sure? Are you sure you want to delete this contact? Are you sure you want to delete this list? area code is -> area code is not -> Type of Relationship Associated Files: at Attribute Attribute -> Attribute Name Attributes Available Attributes Available Options Banner? Path to the file containing the image used as a banner Belongs to Body Bulk Update Bulk update these contacts Cancel Cancel and return CC Send copy to multiple addresses separated by ";" Change Change Sharing Changed Date: Changes Check/Uncheck Clear Clear the currently selected Category Clear the currently selected Search Closed down or deceased Comment Added Comments Complaint Extensive description of the complaint, especially why it was given. How much was paid to the supplier Rebate in percent that has had to be given due to the complaint Amount paid back to the customer What is the status of the complaint Short name for identifying the complaint Turnover that was made with the customer with regards to the complaint Complaints Configuration Error Contact Contact -> contact is in -> contact is not in -> Change Contact Relationship Contact Type Contact Type One Contact Type Two Contacts contacts Contacts to export contains -> Continue with delete Copy Country country code is -> country is -> country is not -> Create Create a message Create a role Create a Signature Create a user account for this person Create Club Create Email create envelope Create fax Create Mailing Labels Create Letter Create OO Mailing Create project Create role Create User (create werbemailing) Creating Club Creator CSV Current Customer: Customer has no employees. Date days Default Default attributes Delete Delete dependent on role of related contact Description: A short description of what the subquery does. Details Do not email Do not mail Do not phone does not contain -> does not exist Done Edit Edit a Signature Edit complaint Edit Details Edit %group_name% Email EMail Email Address emailing allowed emailing not allowed Employee Employees employees Employer Employers Enter a query Envelopes Error even exists exists at least exists at most Export all organizations Export all people Export all relationships Exports Extend Option # %extend_id% deleted. The "Extended Query" return an error Extend result list by extended by: Extended Search Options False Fax Content that will be shown on the cover page of the fax. Number of pages Number of pages including cover page. Subject line for the fax File Files files First Name First Names Footer Freelancer Freelancer Bookings Freelancers From Generating PDF Get Glossars Go Go to search results Group Group -> Group Name Groups groups has closed down or is deceased has logged in has never logged in has not closed down and is not deceased Header Help Text History Searches in the search include name and mailing address for use with windowed envelopes Insufficient permission to edit sharing Invalid Invalid Object Type irrelevant contact is is -> is after -> is before -> is greater than -> is less than -> is more than -> contact is not is not -> is not set annual recurrence within last -> annual recurrence within next -> is set Label Type Labels last Last updated Last Name Last updated Latest Letter Letter Letterhead Limit Contacts to List A list already exists with this name Lists lists -- Groups -------------------------- -- My Searches --------------------- -- no not include a signature -- -- Recent Searches -- -- top level group -- (-another contact- already uses this email) %contact_link% was upgraded to a user Add new %object_type% and insert into selected groups Add new %rels.relationship% Add relathionship to the select contacts Add relationship to these organizations Add relationship to these people Add relationship type Add to Selected Group(s) Add to Selected Lists Advanced searches are very powerful but in return they require very specific input... Aggregated reports require at least one added column All searches are case insensitive, capitalization does not matter. If more than one contact match the search a list of results is returned. If only one contact meets the search criteria you are redirected to that contact. At least %times% %role% are related %attribute_pretty% area code is: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% area code is not: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% contains: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% country code is: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% country code is not: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% country is: <strong>%country_pretty%</strong> %attribute_pretty% country is not: <strong>%country_pretty%</strong> %attribute_pretty% does not contain: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% is after: <strong>%value_pretty%</strong> %attribute_pretty% is before: <strong>%value_pretty%</strong> %attribute_pretty% is greater than: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% is less than: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% is less than <strong>%interval%</strong> ago %attribute_pretty% is not set %attribute_pretty% is not: <strong>%option_pretty%</strong> %attribute_pretty% is set %attribute_pretty% is: <strong>%option_pretty%</strong> %attribute_pretty% is: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% less than %interval% ago %attribute_pretty% is less than <strong>%interval%</strong> ago %attribute_pretty% state/province is: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% state/province is not: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty%'s annual recurrence within last %interval% %attribute_pretty%'s annual recurrence within next %interval% %attribute_pretty% zip/postal starts with: <strong>%value%</strong> %attribute_pretty% zip/postal does not start with: <strong>%value%</strong> <br><br>save this search as Bulk update the selected contacts You do not have permission to view other users searches commented on in last -> %comments.pretty_date% at %comments.pretty_time% - Contact Administration Contact commented on in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> Contact created in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> Contact has logged in Contact has logged in within the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> Contact has never logged in Contact has not logged in within the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> in the search %search_link% Contact last interaction in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> %contact_link% was updated Contact not commented on in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> Contact not created in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> Contact not in the search %search_link% Contact last interaction not in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> Contact not updated in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> Contact Rel Employment Contact Relationships Contact Rels Employment Contact updated in the last: <strong>%interval%</strong> contact has been deleted The contact was removed from the group %contacts@ were deleted country code is not -> created in the last -> Currently, the group is able to handle the following types of relationships: Dear ladies and gentlemen Debugging Code - Only SW Admins See This Define a new relationship type Deleting an item from history requires a return_url Delete the selected Contacts Delete the selectted files Completely delete this contact (irreversible action) E-mail or Mail the selected contacts Entering a string in the normal search box means that a search will be performed where: Existing Relationships "First Names" contains "Search_Word" or First Names is required Full exports can take a very long time please be patient. If it takes too long and your browser times out you may need to get the csv file from the /tmp/ folder on the webserver. Generating the envelopes you requested Generating the labels you requested Group '%group_name%' Created Group '%group_name%' Updated Group Information Saved. has logged in within -> has not logged in within -> If in a normal search we search for "D Jane". The first Search_Word ("D") matches contacts 123 (via "Doe"), 234 (via "Doe"), and 345 (via "Alfred"). And the second Search_Word ("Jane") matches only contact 123. Thus only one contact meets both requirements and "Jane Doe" (contact 123) is returned. If multiple words are used then all words must match the above critera. So, for example if our contacts database contains these entries: Package Instance Permissions Insufficient Permissions last interaction in the last -> Invalid input, you specified form as '%form%' but should only specify: top, bottom, none labels are not implemented yet "Last Name" contains "Search_Word" or Last Name is required Last updated: %update_date% <li> The role you entered \"%pretty_name%\" or the plural \"%pretty_plural%\" already exists. Make sure you do not add the same attribute to multiple groups neither person nor org type is valid, what happened admin? You cannot be married to yourself. Please correct this problem. No matches for '%query%' You do not have permission to delete this item from this contacts history not commented on in last -> not created in the last -> last interacted not in the last -> not updated in the last -> of the following conditions:<br> <p>When you have printed these letters you may <a href="%return_url%">return to where you were</a> or create <a href="%labels_url%">labels</a> or <a href="%envelopes_url%">envelopes</a> for these letters.<p> <p>When you have printed this letter you may <a href="%return_url%">return to where you were</a> or create a <a href="%labels_url%">label</a> or <a href="%envelopes_url%">envelope</a> for this letter.<p> Once finished you will be redirected and message will appear at the top of the page that allows you to download your pdf. Once ready for release this will be taken care of in code "Organization Name" contains "Search_Word" or Organization Relationship Organization Relationships "Party ID" equals "Search_Word" People or Organizations <p><strong>Read</strong> lets you search for and see whether or not somebody is party of this group</p> <p><strong>Create</strong> lets you add add people to groups and remove them.</p> <p><strong>Write</strong> is not used for groups yet</p> <p><strong>Delete</strong> on the default group lets you remove a user from contacts.</p> <p><strong>Admin</strong> lets you do all of the above</p> <p><strong>Read</strong> lets you read contact records information - for information managed by the contacts package not information displayed here from other packages.</p> <p><strong>Write</strong> lets you update contact contact attributes</p> <p><strong>Create</strong> lets you create new people or organizations</p> <p><strong>Delete</strong> is not used unless it applies to an object that inherits its permissions from contacts</p> <p><strong>Admin</strong> is all of the above, plus it allows you to:</p> <ul> <li>merge contacts</li> <li>make lists, messages and searches public</li> <li>delete information from a contact's history</li> <li>Upgrade a person to a user</li> <li>Manage attributes, forms, relationship types, roles, etc. (i.e. everything in the admin directory)</li> </ul> Person - Registered Users Person or Organization %pretty_plural_list_name% found in search, please try again or add a new contact Due to the complexity of the search technology it is sometimes necessary to purge a users searches (because they for example created an infinit loop). If you are unable to go to the users searches page after waiting sufficiently long for it to load you should enter their name here. This will delete all of the users searches and should enable them to recreate their searches without it breaking things. remember that you can use mail merge substitutions. The most common wildcards are {name} {first_names}, {last_name}, {salutation}, {mailing_address}, {directphone} and {date} Remove from List Remove from Selected Group(s) Remove from selected lists Remove from this Group Remove all other relationships of this type for these contacts Remove all other relationships of this type for the related contact %spouse_name% was automatically removed as a spouse %role% exists %role% in the search %search_link% contact is in relation with other contacts %role% not in the search %search_link% Search again - over 50 organizations found... Search again - over 50 people found... Select the appropriate values for both of these contacts. Some of the required elements for this form are missing. Please contact an administrator and make sure that the following attributes are included in the default group's form for this object type: Some of the required elements for this form are missing. Please contact an administrator and make sure that the following attributes are included: Spouse %spouse_link% was updated state/province is not -> The object type %contact_link% was added the action supplied is not valid Contact in the list <strong>%title%</strong> The contact is in the group: <strong>%group_pretty%</strong> The contact is NOT in the group: <strong>%group_pretty%</strong> Contact is NOT in the list <strong>%title%</strong> The contact specified does not exist The contact specified is not one of the contacts in this relationship The contacts were merged and the other one was deleted. The default group must have first_names and last_name for person objects and name for organization objects, both of them need email The file %message% was successfully uploaded The files %message% were successfully uploaded The first contact specified does not exist The first role specified does not exist The parameter RecentOnTopP is not set correctly for the General Comments package, please enter either a '0' or a '1' The party_id specified does not exist The pdf you requested is <a href="%pdf_url%">available for download</a>. The query \"%type% %var_list%\" is no longer valid because: %error_message The query \"%type% %var_list%\" is no longer valid. Contact an admin. The recipeints name and mailing address will automatically be included so that they work with window envelopes The second contact specified does not exist The second role specified does not exist This contact does not have a spousal relationship set. You have reached this page in error. There was a problem with your input. this type of relationship cannot exist. There was an error processing your request This action cannot be taken for unmapped groups This contact is not part of any groups This group is already the default This group is already mapped this is my default signature (this may take a bit) This signature specified either does not exist or does not belong to you This system does not allow polygamy. This user is awaiting administrator approval This users has not been approved Title is not shown in the message, it is used to select the appropriate message. To many search results please search again to select a person or an organization To many search results please search again to select an organization To many search results please search again to select a person Unable to retrieve group_id If needed please update this contact's information. updated in the last -> Upgrade this person to a user We are creating the club for this organization. Please wait, this might take a while ... We are sending the mailing. This will take %seconds_to_finish% seconds We will continue automatically What role does %contact_name_one% have when %contact_name_two% is a %secondary_role_pretty%: You cannot add this contact to more groups. Labels will not be made for the following people (who do not have valid addresses): %invalid_recipients% You cannot make sub groups the default group You cannot map groups whose parent groups are not mapped You cannot send a letter to the following contacts: %invalid_recipients% You are unable to send a message to the following contacts: %invalid_recipients% You cannot send an email message to the following contacts: %invalid_recipients% You cannot unmap the default group You do not have permission to add users to groups You do not have permission to remove people from %group_name%. You do not have permission to edit this search You have not specified a valid contact type You have specified an invalid Object Type You have specified an invalid size for the textarea You need to select some contacts to bulk update You cannot merge a contact with itself Your administrator must map and add a default group in the <a href="admin">admin pages</a> Your bulk update was successful. Your need to provide some contacts to send a message Your provided an invalid Message Type zip/postal does not start with -> zip/postal starts with -> Mail Mail Merge Mail Merge Results Mail to contact mailing allowed mailing not allowed Make Current Make Public Make the checked contacts current Manage Group Categories Members Merge Contacts Merge with Message Message is required Messages messages mine- Modify By: months more My Messages My Searches My Signatures Name Name is required New Next No Lists No valid parties No valid parties where selected. Please go back and select some parties. (none) Normal Searches Not Configured not in the search Number of Rows Object: Object_id odd of Offers OO text which will be inserted into the template. E-Mail content Content of the E-mail, if you are sending an e-mail that is :). Subject of the email. <font color=red><b>Leave empty to print</b></font> Open Office Mailing OO message Open Options or Ordering Organization organization Organization Form Organizations organizations Other Options Output Owner Owners Owners Only Paid: Paper Type Parent Group Part of Party Revision Party Revisions People people People or Organizations people or organizations Percent: Permission Denied Permissions Permissions for default group Person person Person Form Person or organization phoning allowed phoning not allowed Please choose a contact pp. Pretty Name The Pretty Name to use in the list label. Preview Print Print Letter Privacy Settings Private Processes PROJECT Project: Projects Project Tasks PostScriptum PostScriptum to use after the signature Public Public Messages Public Page Public Searches Purge users searches Quantity Query READ THESE Recipients Refund Confirm deleting relationships Related contact Relationship Relationship Added Relationship Deleted Relationship types Relationship Updated Relationships relationships Remove Default Remove extended options set as default for search_id #%search_id% Remove from Group Remove from Group Remove from List Remove from Lists Remove from Group Required Results Return to history Return to %title% Return to where you were Role Role for these contacts Role Name Role of related contact Role One Role Singular Role Two Roles Save Save and Add Another Save As Save Message As Save this Search Saved Searches Search Search again... Search contact Search Existing Search for Search for all <strong>%object_type%</strong> where Search for all %object_type% who are Search for <b>people or organizations</b> Search Help Search List searches Select Select a person Select an organization Send Send an email message to the selected contacts Send Email Sending Mailing Set Default Set default Settings Shared Shared Searches Sharing Show Showing Signature signatures Sort By Sort by state/province is -> Status Stored Extended Options Extended Options to set as default for search_id #%search_id% Subject Subject is required Subquery The subquery to be executed to grab the result. Summary Summary View Supplier: Table Tasks The action specified is invalid The error was: %errmsg The message %title% was copied to your messages The message %title% was deleted The message %title% was made public The owner_id specified is not valid The search "%title%" was copied to your searches The search "%title%" was deleted The search "%title%" was made public The selected relationship requires that the related contact be an organization The selected relationship requires that the related contact be a person There must be at least one owner This contact doesn't have an email, you are going to use it's employer email (%emp_addr%) This organization has closed down This person is deceased This "Variable Name" is already present times Title Title: To True Turnover: Type Untitled Update Update filenames Updated By Updated On Upload File Upload File Upload More User Account Information Users Valid Variable Name Name of the variable to use in the extend search. View all roles View Contacts View next Visit Club Watch all changes Werbemailing which match Widget with Yours sincerely, Working Project Tasks years You can extend this search by: You cannot remove the list creator unless you are an administrator You do not own any lists. You must first create a list to use this feature. Your message was sent to: <strong>%recipients%</strong> your signatures Yourself