A Add Entry Add Log Entry additive Cancel, do not delete Closed Custom Description Date Day Default Description Delete Description Edit Log Entry entries Euro Expense Help hours in different Last month Log entry modified Logger Application Logger Entries Logger Entry Logger Project Logger Projects Logger Variable Logger Variables , which means the opposite. Instead, you would typically average over them. An example is measuring your personal weight, or the account balance of your bank account. It doesn't make sense to add those numbers together, they're snapshots at a given point in time, and just because you check your account balance 10 times a day doesn't (necessarily) mean you're getting richer and richer. , meaning that it makes sense to add them together and look at the total. An example of an additive variable is time spent. Others are , so that you can summarize the variable across projects. However, if you have many diverse projects going on, only certain variables will make sense for any given project, hence we let you . The projects you define are shared between all logger application instances, subject to the permissions you grant on them. Each instance of logger will be setup to display a certain subset of the projects available, as defined by the administrator of that instance. An example of why this is useful is if you work for a company, which works on many different projects for different clients. In that scenario, you would mount a logger instance in your intranet, where people log the hours they spend on projects. Then if you want to give your clients access to your logs, you can mount an instance per client in the client's extranet area. These client loggers would only have access to the projects that pertain to the given client. Are you sure you want to delete Before anyone can start working with the Logger application an administrator needs to setup a project. Expenses (currency, USD, EUR, whatever) If you change this please reload the page instances of the logger application is something you wish to track, for example: Log entry added Logger Application Instance map variables to projects Please contact an administrator about this. Thank you. Projects not in this logger application instance which can be linked in: Set permissions for this logger application instance Setup logger projects now shared between all projects Since you are an administrator you may Some variables will be The logger can track a number of There are no matching log entries There are no projects in this instance of logger. these %num_entries% log entries visit the admin pages Weight of goods shipped (lbs, kgs) You can mount multiple Your personal weight (lbs, kgs). Non-additive. Expense Time non-additive Open Project Projection: Projects projects Recent Entries Task this log entry Time Time spent (hours) to do so now. Total: Euro hours User Value Variable variable Variables variables Variables are Week Yesterday You can either use "Default Description" or "Custom Description", but not both