Action Add File Add folder Link Add %pretty_name% Attach Attach a <b>new</b>: Attach URL Choose Description: File Last Modified Add Attachment Folder Link Attach a File to %pretty_object_name% %contents.content_size% item %contents.content_size% byte Created by the attachments packge document to %pretty_object_name%. don't know how to deal with this attachment type Error: Attachment root folder and fs root folder different! Error: empty folder_id! Folder %folder_name% is empty Found file-storage folder XXX folder_name XXX ... would you like to link to it? No file-storage folders found to link to. Would you like to create one? No such attachment for this object The specified parent folder is not valid. To attach a file already in a folder, open the folder by clicking the folder's name, then click the &quot;[ Choose ]&quot; link next to the file. To upload a new file into a folder, open the folder by clicking the folder's name, then click the appropriate &quot;Attach a new: File | URL&quot; link to %pretty_object_name%. Upload New Attachment Use the "Browse..." button to locate your file, then click "Open". You are attaching a document to %pretty_object_name%. You probably clicked on the Add button more than once. Check if the file is properly loaded on the <a href="%folder_url%">folder</a> you want, or you can use the Back button to return and re-enter the version file. Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes) Name new new url No such type Object Size Title: Top Type URL URL: Version filename : You are attaching a