update iv_offers set status = :status where offer_id = (select latest_revision from cr_items where item_id = :offer_id) select o.status from iv_offers o, cr_items i where i.item_id = :offer_id and i.latest_revision = o.offer_id update iv_offers set accepted_date = (select accepted_date from iv_offers where offer_id = :old_rev_id) where offer_id = :new_rev_id select t.offer_id as offer_rev_id, r.title, r.description, t.offer_nr, t.amount_total, t.vat, t.vat_percent, t.comment, to_char(t.finish_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as finish_ansi, to_char(t.finish_date, :timestamp_format) as finish_date, o.creation_user, p.first_names, p.last_name, to_char(o.creation_date, :timestamp_format) as creation_date, to_char(t.accepted_date, :timestamp_format) as accepted_date, t.amount_sum as amount_sum_, t.payment_days, t.date_comment, t.currency, t.organization_id, t.amount_sum from iv_offers t, cr_revisions r, cr_items i, acs_objects o, persons p where r.revision_id = t.offer_id and i.latest_revision = r.revision_id and i.item_id = :offer_id and o.object_id = t.offer_id and p.person_id = o.creation_user select t.offer_id as offer_rev_id, cr.title, cr.description, t.offer_nr, t.amount_total, t.vat, t.vat_percent, t.comment, to_char(t.finish_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as finish_ansi, to_char(t.finish_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as finish_date, o.creation_user, p.first_names, p.last_name, t.credit_percent, to_char(o.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as creation_date, to_char(t.accepted_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as accepted_date, t.amount_sum, t.payment_days, t.date_comment, t.currency, t.organization_id, pr.title as project_title, ci.item_id as offer_id, pp.project_code, pi.item_id as project_id from iv_offers t, cr_revisions cr, cr_items ci, acs_objects o, persons p, acs_data_links r, cr_items pi, cr_revisions pr, pm_projects pp where cr.revision_id = t.offer_id and ci.latest_revision = cr.revision_id and ci.item_id = :offer_id and o.object_id = t.offer_id and p.person_id = o.creation_user and r.object_id_two = ci.item_id and r.object_id_one = pi.item_id and pi.latest_revision = pr.revision_id and pr.revision_id = pp.project_id select r.title, r.description, r.item_id, ofi.offer_item_id, ofi.item_units, ofi.price_per_unit, ofi.item_nr, ofi.comment, ofi.rebate, ofi.vat, m.category_id, ofi.file_count, ofi.page_count from iv_offer_items ofi, cr_items oi, acs_objects o, cr_revisions r, category_object_map m where o.object_id = ofi.offer_id and o.package_id = :package_id and oi.latest_revision = ofi.offer_id and r.revision_id = ofi.offer_item_id and oi.item_id = :offer_id and m.object_id = ofi.offer_item_id order by ofi.sort_order select r.title, r.description, r.item_id, ofi.offer_item_id, ofi.item_units, ofi.price_per_unit, ofi.item_nr, ofi.comment, ofi.rebate, ofi.vat, m.category_id, ofi.file_count, ofi.page_count from iv_offer_items ofi, cr_items oi, acs_objects o, cr_revisions r, category_object_map m where o.object_id = ofi.offer_id and o.package_id = :package_id and oi.latest_revision = ofi.offer_id and r.revision_id = ofi.offer_item_id and oi.item_id = :offer_id and m.object_id = ofi.offer_item_id order by ofi.sort_order select count(offer_item_id) from iv_offer_items where offer_id = :offer_id select count(i.offer_item_id) from iv_invoice_items i, iv_offer_items o where i.offer_item_id = o.offer_item_id and o.offer_id = :offer_id