postgresql 7.1 select c.creditcard_number as card_number, substring(creditcard_expire for 2) as card_exp_month, substring(creditcard_expire from 4 for 2) as card_exp_year, c.creditcard_type, p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name as card_name, a.zip_code as billing_zip, a.line1 as billing_address, as billing_city, coalesce(a.usps_abbrev, a.full_state_name) as billing_state, a.country_code as billing_country from ec_creditcards c, persons p, ec_addresses a where c.user_id=p.person_id and c.creditcard_id = :creditcard_id and c.billing_address = a.address_id select f.transaction_amount, f.transaction_id, c.creditcard_type, p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name as card_name, c.creditcard_number as card_number, substring(creditcard_expire for 2) as card_exp_month, substring(creditcard_expire from 4 for 2) as card_exp_year, c.creditcard_type, a.zip_code as billing_zip, a.line1 as billing_address, as billing_city, coalesce(a.usps_abbrev, a.full_state_name) as billing_state, a.country_code as billing_country from ec_financial_transactions f, ec_creditcards c, persons p, ec_addresses a where transaction_id = :transaction_id and f.creditcard_id = c.creditcard_id and c.user_id = p.person_id and c.billing_address = a.address_id select t.refunded_transaction_id, t.transaction_amount, c.creditcard_number as card_number, substring(creditcard_expire for 2) as card_exp_month, substring(creditcard_expire from 4 for 2) as card_exp_year, c.creditcard_type, p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name as card_name, a.zip_code as billing_zip, a.line1 as billing_address, as billing_city, coalesce(a.usps_abbrev, a.full_state_name) as billing_state, a.country_code as billing_country from ec_financial_transactions t, ec_creditcards c, persons p, ec_addresses a where t.transaction_id = :transaction_id and c.creditcard_id = t.creditcard_id and c.user_id = p.person_id and c.billing_address = a.address_id