To be able to use PHP software with AOLserver (and OpenACS), you have to install PHP with AOLserver support. Get the latest version from For convenience we get version 4.3.4 from a mirror
[root root]# cd /usr/local/src [root src]# wget [root src]# tar xfz php-4.3.4.tar.gz [root src]# cd php-4.3.4 [root php-4.3.4]# cd php-4.3.4 [root php-4.3.4]# ./configure --with-aolserver=/usr/local/aolserver/ --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pg74 --without-mysql [root php-4.3.4]# make install
Once installed you can enable this by configuring your config file. Make sure your config file supports php (it should have a php section with it). Furthermore add index.php as the last element to your directoryfile directive.