Weblogger Documentation
By Lars Pind and Simon Carstensen
The blogger now lives in the OpenACS cvs repository.
Getting started
Install the package on your system, mount a new instance somewhere
on the site map, make sure you have create permission on the
instance, and then visit the URL where you mounted
it. Now you can add your first blog entry.
Syndicating a blog (putting it on your front page)
If you want to include a blog as part of another page, that's pretty
If you're including in an ADP, say:
<include src="/packages/lars-blogger/www/blog" url="/blog">
... for the non-cached version, and ...
<%=[lars_blog_get_as_string -url "/blog"]%>
... for the cached version. There shouldn't be any problems using
the cached version, as the cache should be flushed whenever anything
From a Tcl page:
set blog_html [template::adp_parse "[acs_package_root_dir "lars-blogger"]/www/blog" [list url "/blog"]]
... for the non-cached version, and ...
[lars_blog_get_as_string -url "/blog"]
... for the cached version.
All of these are shown with an argument 'url' here, but they all
take a package_id argument instead, if you prefer that and know what
the package_id is. If nothing's supplied, the current package is
used, which is generally not what you want.
Technical Info
The package fully supports multiple instances. You can mount
several instances in your site map, and they'll stay properly isolated
from each other. Alternatively you can let multiple users post to one
instance by granting create permissions. Mounting Weblogger under, say,
/blog, you will have /blog/user/screenname displaying the entries of one
user and /blog displaying either a list of all bloggers (this is done by
setting the parameter DisplayUsersP to 1) or all entries posted to the
instance (the default).
Contents in your blog entries are assumed to be full-blooded
ADP-ified HTML, so don't give people access to post a blog (i.e. grant
create permissions on the instance) unless you trust them. This also means
that if you've added custom ADP tags, those are also available to you in your blog.
- 'read' means people can read entries.
- 'create' means people can create entries and edit/publish/draft/delete their own entries.
- 'write' means people can edit/draft/publish/delete all entries in the package instance.
- 'admin' means people can define categories, etc.
weblogs.com update ping
There are a couple parameters governing this feature. You can turn it
on or off on a per-package basis. And you can specify which URL you
want to export to weblogs.com, in case it's not the one the package
instance is mounted at. This can be useful if you're including the
blog on other pages, for example your site's front page. Thanks to
Jerry Asher for the code to do this.
RSS Feed
The RSS feed is version 1.0 only, and uses the rss-support
package. You should be able to simply visit the admin page of your
new blogger instance and click the "Setup RSS" link, and you'll have
an RSS feed.
Then you'll need to set the parameters and say that your
rss_file_name is at
/where-your-blogger-instnace-sists/rss/rss.xml. If you leave this
blank, we won't advertise your RSS feed URL anywhere.
You can also supply your own channel image through the
Road Map
- Categorize and full-text-search-index blog entries so the archives
are more useful.
Use content repository.
- Ability to modify templates for each instance individually through
the UI.
- Support for Trackback
- Support for the Blogger and MetaWeblog APIs
- WYISIYG editor
- Improved RSS feed
- Improved Configuration Settings.
- Make it safe to use in a not-so-protected environment, e.g.,
disable <% ... %> ADP notation.
- Better documentation.
Moderation-feature: Entries posted by non-admins must go through a
workflow-administered approval process.
Nicer interface (MovableType)
Version History
1.0 Added support for categories, cleaned up permissions handling, styled with stylesheets, trackback support.
0.9.2 Added parameters to control the number of entries shown
on the front page (July 10, 2003)
0.9 Added support for multiple users. (June 10, 2003)
0.8.7 Fixed notifications to include the title_url, and
to not have extra spaces in the month name. (May 11, 2003)
0.8.6 Cleaned up RSS-support even more and made it work
under Oracle. Also made a slight style change, using the
» (») style for action links, which I've adopted
for other packages. It's less intrusive than the harshly-colored
arrow-box.gif I used to use. (May 9, 2003)
0.8.5 Added title URL, cleanup (March 28, 2003)
0.8.4 Oops, getting behind on the version history. In the last
few releases, I've rearranged a bunch of templates to make it
more consistent and easier to customize; I've fixed the code that
sets up the RSS stuff, so you can now simply go to the admin page
and say "setup RSS"; I've integrated the new richtext widget which
I added to the templating system. (February 6, 2003)
0.7d Finished port to Oracle. Upgraded PG drop
script. Renamed RSS proc which requires running the SQL upgrade
script (for PG). Bug-fix to bypass 'draft' and publish
directly. -vinodk (August 15, 2002)
0.6.4d Added poster information, optional per
parameter. Added "url" shortcut variable to the blog
template. Updated documentation. (July 23, 2002)
0.6.3d Added drop scripts, and made the create script call
rss-register. Fixed minor bugs. (July 22, 2002)
0.6.1d Fixed RSS last update bug. (Jun 2, 2002)
0.6d Added RSS feed. Woohoo! (June 1, 2002)
0.5d Added weblogs.com update ping. (June 1, 2002)
0.4d Added Google link, new style. (May 31, 2002)
0.3.3d Added Peter Marklund's arrow-box.gif patch. (May 13,
0.3.2d Missing files from the distribution.
0.3d Improved admin interface, added documentation. (March
24, 2002)
0.2d Allow and show comments on blog. (March 23, 2002)
0.1d Initial version. (February 18, 2002)
Released under the GPL.