<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->

<package key="acs-service-contract" url="http://openacs.org/repository/apm/packages/acs-service-contract" type="apm_service">
    <package-name>ACS Service Contracts</package-name>
    <pretty-plural>ACS Service Contract Packages</pretty-plural>
    <version name="5.10.1b2" url="http://openacs.org/repository/download/apm/acs-service-contract-5.10.1b2.apm">
        <owner url="http://openacs.org">OpenACS</owner>
        <summary>API and UI for service contracts</summary>
        <vendor url="http://openacs.org">OpenACS</vendor>
        <description format="text/html">Service contracts defines an API for the creation of interfaces and discovery of interface implementations.
        Examples are the contracts used for search which provide a means to get content on a given object and to translate an object_id to a URL or the contracts used by dotlrn and new-portals to allow packages to provide portalized panes.</description>
        <license>GPL version 2</license>

        <provides url="acs-service-contract" version="5.10.1b2"/>
        <requires url="acs-kernel" version="5.10.1b1"/>

        <!-- No version parameters -->
