drop index dotlrn_terms_pk; create table new_dotlrn_terms ( term_id integer constraint dotlrn_terms_pk primary key, term_name varchar(20) constraint dotlrn_t_term_name_nn not null, term_year varchar(9) constraint dotlrn_t_term_year_nn not null, start_date date default now() constraint dotlrn_t_start_date_nn not null, end_date date default (now() + '180 days'::interval) constraint dotlrn_t_end_date_nn not null ); insert into new_dotlrn_terms select * from dotlrn_terms; alter table dotlrn_terms rename to old_dotlrn_terms; alter table new_dotlrn_terms rename to dotlrn_terms; drop table old_dotlrn_terms;