UoS Search resolution code to log title Fixed Won't fix Postponed Need info UoS info Before using Curriculum Central, you need to create at least one stream. A stream can be a degree, diploma or even a certificate. Please visit the <a href="admin/streams">stream administration</a> pages to define a stream. Please contact an administrator to get a stream set up. NOTE: Need to <a href="faculties">create a faculty</a> and associated departments before proceeding. Stream Coordinator Stream Coordinators Unit Coordinator Unit Coordinators Lecturer Lecturers Coordinator Open Opened Closed Comment Commented Edit Edited Reassign Reassigned Complete Completed Reopen Reopened Close Closed Admin Assign roles to users. Create streams. Create faculties. Faculties Roles Admin Streams Admin Streams Stream Code Stream Name Staff Staff Admin Add staff. Department Faculty Add Stream Edit Stream Add Staff Details Edit Staff Details No streams have been created. No faculties have been created. Edit stream information Edit faculty information Faculty Name Dean Add Faculty Edit Faculty Add a faculty to this list. Add a stream to this list. View faculty departments %faculty_name% Departments Faculty Departments Add Department Edit Department No departments have been created. Head of Department Department Name Add a department to the list Edit department information Delete department Are you sure you want to delete @depts.department_name@? Select a department. Note: A <a href=faculties>faculty</a> and department must be created before a list of departments appears in the drop-down box. Select a coordinator for the stream. Enter a code for this stream. Enter a name for this stream. Examples: Bachelor of Engineering; or Diploma of Applied Finance. Enter a name for this department. Examples: School of Electrical and Information Engineering; or Department of Chemical Engineering. Select the Head of Department. Note: The Head of Department must have an account on the system. Select the Dean. Note: The Dean must have an account on the system. Enter a name for this faculty. Example: Faculty of Engineering. Select a staff member from the list of users. Enter the staff member's title. For example: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Associate Professor, Professor, etc. Enter the staff member's position. For example: Honorary Associate Professor, Research Fellow, Adjunct Lecturer, etc. Select the department that the staff member belongs to. Staff Title Staff Position