select CASE WHEN owner_id = :user_id THEN '\#contacts.My_Searches\#' ELSE contact__name(owner_id) END, owner_id from ( select distinct cs.owner_id from contact_searches cs, acs_objects ao where cs.search_id = ao.object_id and ( ao.title is not null or cs.owner_id = :user_id ) and ao.package_id = :package_id and cs.owner_id in ( select party_id from parties )) distinct_owners order by CASE WHEN owner_id = :user_id THEN '0000000000000000000' ELSE upper(contact__name(owner_id)) END ( select cs.search_id, ao.title, upper(ao.title) as order_title, cs.all_or_any, cs.object_type from contact_searches cs, acs_objects ao where cs.search_id = ao.object_id and cs.owner_id = :owner_id and ao.title is not null and ao.package_id = :package_id and not cs.deleted_p ) union ( select cs.search_id, 'Search \#' || to_char(cs.search_id,'FM9999999999999999999') || ' on ' || to_char(ao.creation_date,'Mon FMDD') as title, 'zzzzzzzzzzz' as order_title, cs.all_or_any, cs.object_type from contact_searches cs, acs_objects ao where cs.owner_id = :owner_id and cs.search_id = ao.object_id and ao.title is null and ao.package_id = :package_id and not cs.deleted_p limit 10 ) order by order_title select aggregated_attribute from contact_searches where search_id = :search_id and aggregated_attribute is not null