oracle8.1.6 select e.entry_id, as parent_name, (select site_node.url(site_nodes.node_id) from site_nodes where site_nodes.object_id = p.package_id) as base_url, e.title, e.content, u.first_names as poster_first_names, u.last_name as poster_last_name, to_char(e.posted_date , 'HH24:MI') as posted_time_pretty, p.package_id from apm_packages p, pinds_blog_entries e, acs_objects o, all_users u where p.package_id in ([join $list_of_package_ids ", "]) and e.package_id (+) = p.package_id and o.object_id (+) = e.entry_id and u.user_id (+) = o.creation_user and e.draft_p (+) = 'f' and e.deleted_p (+) = 'f' order by p.package_id asc, e.entry_date desc, e.posted_date desc update na_items set deleted_p = '1' where item_id = :delete_id