-- -- IMS-LD Package Data Model for Level C -- -- @author jopez@inv.it.uc3m.es -- @creation-date oct-2006 -- create table imsld_notifications ( notification_id integer constraint imsld_notif_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_notif_id_pk primary key, imsld_id integer constraint imsld_notif_ii_fk references cr_items --imsld_imslds not null, activity_id integer constraint imsld_notif_act_fk references cr_items --imsld_learning_activities/imsld_support_activities not null, subject text ); create index imsld_notif_ii_idx on imsld_notifications(imsld_id); create index imsld_notif_act_idx on imsld_notifications(activity_id); comment on table imsld_notifications is ' Notifications of the on_completion elements are stored in this table. The rest of notificacions are stored along with the XML which contains them and dealed with in the running stage.'; create table imsld_notifications_history ( run_id integer references imsld_runs, from_user_id integer references parties, notification_date timestamptz, target_activity_id integer references cr_revisions, to_user_id integer references parties ); comment on table imsld_notifications_history is ' Table used to keep track of the notifications'; create sequence t_imsld_rar_seq; create view imsld_rar_seq as select nextval('t_imsld_rar_seq') as nextval; create table imsld_runtime_activities_rels ( rel_id integer constraint imsld_rar_rels_pk primary key, run_id integer constraint imsld_rar_run_fk references imsld_runs, role_id integer constraint imsld_rar_role_fk references cr_revisions, activity_id integer constraint imsld_rar_act_fk references cr_revisions ); comment on table imsld_runtime_activities_rels is ' This table stores the relationships between run time assigned activities and roles.';