postgresql7.1 select a.title, a.assessment_id as section_assessment_rev_id from dotlrn_ecommerce_section s, dotlrn_catalogi c, as_assessmentsi a, cr_items ci, cr_items ai where s.course_id = c.item_id and c.assessment_id = a.item_id and c.course_id = ci.latest_revision and a.assessment_id = ai.latest_revision and s.section_id = :section_id select distinct a.title, a.revision_id as assessment_id from dotlrn_catalog c, cr_items i, as_assessmentsx a where i.item_id=c.assessment_id and i.latest_revision=a.revision_id select r.rel_id from dotlrn_member_rels_full r left join (select * from ec_addresses where address_id in (select max(address_id) from ec_addresses group by user_id)) e on (r.user_id = e.user_id) left join (select m.*, s.completed_datetime from dotlrn_ecommerce_application_assessment_map m, as_sessions s where m.session_id = s.session_id and m.session_id in (select max(session_id) from dotlrn_ecommerce_application_assessment_map group by rel_id)) m on (r.rel_id = m.rel_id) left join (select count(*) as attendance, dca.community_id, a.user_id from calendars c, cal_items ci, cal_item_types cit, attendance_cal_item_map a, dotlrn_communities_all dca, portal_pages pp, portal_element_map pem, portal_element_parameters pep, portal_datasources pd where a.cal_item_id = ci.cal_item_id and cit.calendar_id = c.calendar_id and cit.type='Session' and ci.on_which_calendar= c.calendar_id and pem.datasource_id = pd.datasource_id and pep.key = 'calendar_id' and pp.page_id = pem.page_id and pep.element_id = pem.element_id and'calendar_portlet' and pp.portal_id = dca.portal_id and pep.value = c.calendar_id group by a.user_id, dca.community_id ) a on (a.user_id = r.user_id and r.community_id = a.community_id), dotlrn_ecommerce_section s left join ec_products p on (s.product_id = p.product_id), dotlrn_catalog t, cr_items i, acs_objects o where r.community_id = s.community_id and s.course_id = i.item_id and t.course_id = i.live_revision and r.rel_id = o.object_id $member_state_clause $user_clause $section_clause [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name applications] [template::list::orderby_clause -name applications -orderby] select person__name(r.user_id) as person_name, member_state, r.community_id, r.user_id as applicant_user_id, s.section_name, t.course_name, s.section_id, r.rel_id,, o.creation_user as patron_id, m.completed_datetime, coalesce(a.attendance,0) as attendance, (select count(*) from (select * from dotlrn_member_rels_full rr, acs_objects o where rr.rel_id = o.object_id and rr.rel_id <= r.rel_id and rr.community_id = r.community_id and rr.member_state = r.member_state order by o.creation_date) r) as number, s.product_id, m.session_id, m.completed_datetime, a.calendar_id from dotlrn_member_rels_full r left join (select * from ec_addresses where address_id in (select max(address_id) from ec_addresses group by user_id)) e on (r.user_id = e.user_id) left join (select m.*, s.completed_datetime from dotlrn_ecommerce_application_assessment_map m, as_sessions s where m.session_id = s.session_id and m.session_id in (select max(session_id) from dotlrn_ecommerce_application_assessment_map group by rel_id)) m on (r.rel_id = m.rel_id) left join (select count(*) as attendance, dca.community_id, a.user_id, c.calendar_id from attendance_cal_item_map a, calendars c, cal_items ci, cal_item_types cit, dotlrn_communities_all dca, portal_pages pp, portal_element_map pem, portal_element_parameters pep, portal_datasources pd where a.cal_item_id = ci.cal_item_id and cit.calendar_id = c.calendar_id and cit.type='Session' and ci.on_which_calendar= c.calendar_id and pem.datasource_id = pd.datasource_id and pep.key = 'calendar_id' and pp.page_id = pem.page_id and pep.element_id = pem.element_id and pp.portal_id = dca.portal_id and'calendar_portlet' and pep.value = c.calendar_id group by a.user_id, dca.community_id, c.calendar_id ) a on (a.user_id = r.user_id and a.community_id = r.community_id), dotlrn_ecommerce_section s left join ec_products p on (s.product_id = p.product_id), dotlrn_catalogi t, cr_items i, acs_objects o where r.community_id = s.community_id and s.course_id = i.item_id and t.course_id = i.live_revision and r.rel_id = o.object_id $member_state_clause $user_clause $section_clause $page_clause [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name applications] [template::list::orderby_clause -name applications -orderby] select g.comment_id, r.content as gc_content, r.title as gc_title, r.mime_type as gc_mime_type, acs_object__name(o.creation_user) as gc_author, to_char(o.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as gc_creation_date_ansi from general_comments g, cr_revisions r, cr_items ci, acs_objects o where g.object_id in (select session_id from as_sessions where assessment_id = (select assessment_id from as_sessions where session_id = :session_id) and subject_id = :applicant_user_id) and r.revision_id = ci.live_revision and ci.item_id = g.comment_id and o.object_id = g.comment_id order by o.creation_date