-- /packages/news/sql/news-package-create.sql -- -- @author stefan@arsdigita.com -- @created 2000-12-13 -- @cvs-id $Id: news-package-create.sql,v 2005/09/15 06:20:26 dedsc Exp $ -- -- OpenACS Port: Robert Locke (rlocke@infiniteinfo.com) -- *** PACKAGE NEWS, plsql to create content_item *** select define_function_args ('news__new','item_id,locale,publish_date,text,nls_language,title,mime_type;text/plain,package_id,archive_date,approval_user,approval_date,approval_ip,relation_tag,creation_ip,creation_user,is_live_p;f,lead'); create or replace function news__new (integer,varchar,timestamptz,text,varchar,varchar, varchar,integer,timestamptz,integer,timestamptz,varchar,varchar, varchar,integer,boolean, varchar) returns integer as ' declare p_item_id alias for $1; -- default null -- p_locale alias for $2; -- default null, -- p_publish_date alias for $3; -- default null p_text alias for $4; -- default null p_nls_language alias for $5; -- default null p_title alias for $6; -- default null p_mime_type alias for $7; -- default ''text/plain'' -- p_package_id alias for $8; -- default null, p_archive_date alias for $9; -- default null p_approval_user alias for $10; -- default null p_approval_date alias for $11; -- default null p_approval_ip alias for $12; -- default null, -- p_relation_tag alias for $13; -- default null -- -- REMOVED: p_item_subtype alias for $14; -- default ''content_revision'' -- REMOVED: p_content_type alias for $15; -- default ''news'' -- REMOVED: p_creation_date alias for $16; -- default current_timestamp p_creation_ip alias for $14; -- default null p_creation_user alias for $15; -- default null -- p_is_live_p alias for $16; -- default ''f'' p_lead alias for $17; v_news_id integer; v_item_id integer; v_id integer; v_revision_id integer; v_parent_id integer; v_name varchar; v_log_string varchar; begin select content_item__get_id(''news'',null,''f'') into v_parent_id from dual; -- -- this will be used for 2xClick protection if p_item_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_id from dual; else v_id := p_item_id; end if; -- v_name := ''news-'' || to_char(current_timestamp,''YYYYMMDD'') || ''-'' || v_id; -- v_log_string := ''initial submission''; -- v_item_id := content_item__new( v_name, -- name v_parent_id, -- parent_id v_id, -- item_id p_locale, -- locale current_timestamp, -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_package_id, -- context_id p_creation_ip, -- creation_ip ''content_item'', -- item_subtype ''news'', -- content_type p_title, -- title null, -- description p_mime_type, -- mime_type p_nls_language, -- nls_language null, -- text null, -- data null, -- relation_tag p_is_live_p, -- live_p ''text'', -- storage_type p_package_id -- package_id ); v_revision_id := content_revision__new( p_title, -- title v_log_string, -- description p_publish_date, -- publish_date p_mime_type, -- mime_type p_nls_language, -- nls_language p_text, -- data v_item_id, -- item_id null, -- revision_id current_timestamp, -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_creation_ip -- creation_ip ); insert into cr_news (news_id, lead, package_id, archive_date, approval_user, approval_date, approval_ip) values (v_revision_id, p_lead, p_package_id, p_archive_date, p_approval_user, p_approval_date, p_approval_ip); -- make this revision live when immediately approved if p_is_live_p = ''t'' then update cr_items set live_revision = v_revision_id, publish_status = ''ready'' where item_id = v_item_id; end if; v_news_id := v_revision_id; return v_news_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- deletes a news item along with all its revisions and possible attachements create or replace function news__delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_item_id alias for $1; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_cm RECORD; begin v_item_id := p_item_id; -- dbms_output.put_line(''Deleting associated comments...''); -- delete acs_messages, images, comments to news item FOR v_cm IN select message_id from acs_messages am, acs_objects ao where am.message_id = ao.object_id and ao.context_id = v_item_id LOOP -- images delete from images where image_id in (select latest_revision from cr_items where parent_id = v_cm.message_id); PERFORM acs_message__delete(v_cm.message_id); delete from general_comments where comment_id = v_cm.message_id; END LOOP; delete from cr_news where news_id in (select revision_id from cr_revisions where item_id = v_item_id); PERFORM content_item__delete(v_item_id); return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- (re)-publish a news item out of the archive by nulling the archive_date -- this only applies to the currently active revision create or replace function news__make_permanent (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_item_id alias for $1; begin update cr_news set archive_date = null where news_id = content_item__get_live_revision(p_item_id); return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- archive a news item -- this only applies to the currently active revision create or replace function news__archive (integer,timestamptz) returns integer as ' declare p_item_id alias for $1; p_archive_date alias for $2; -- default current_timestamp begin update cr_news set archive_date = p_archive_date where news_id = content_item__get_live_revision(p_item_id); return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- RAL: an overloaded version using current_timestamp for archive_date create or replace function news__archive (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_item_id alias for $1; -- p_archive_date alias for $2; -- default current_timestamp begin return news__archive (p_item_id, current_timestamp); end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- approve/unapprove a specific revision -- approving a revision makes it also the active revision create or replace function news__set_approve(integer,varchar,timestamptz, timestamptz,integer,timestamptz,varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare p_revision_id alias for $1; p_approve_p alias for $2; -- default ''t'' p_publish_date alias for $3; -- default null p_archive_date alias for $4; -- default null p_approval_user alias for $5; -- default null p_approval_date alias for $6; -- default current_timestamp p_approval_ip alias for $7; -- default null p_live_revision_p alias for $8; -- default ''t'' v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; begin select item_id into v_item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = p_revision_id; -- unapprove an revision (does not mean to knock out active revision) if p_approve_p = ''f'' then update cr_news set approval_date = null, approval_user = null, approval_ip = null, archive_date = null where news_id = p_revision_id; -- update cr_revisions set publish_date = null where revision_id = p_revision_id; else -- approve a revision update cr_revisions set publish_date = p_publish_date where revision_id = p_revision_id; -- update cr_news set archive_date = p_archive_date, approval_date = p_approval_date, approval_user = p_approval_user, approval_ip = p_approval_ip where news_id = p_revision_id; -- -- cannot use content_item.set_live_revision because it sets publish_date to sysdate if p_live_revision_p = ''t'' then update cr_items set live_revision = p_revision_id, publish_status = ''ready'' where item_id = v_item_id; end if; -- end if; return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- the status function returns information on the puplish or archive status -- it does not make any checks on the order of publish_date and archive_date create or replace function news__status (timestamptz, timestamptz) returns varchar as ' declare p_publish_date alias for $1; p_archive_date alias for $2; begin if p_publish_date is not null then if p_publish_date > current_timestamp then -- Publishing in the future if p_archive_date is null then return ''going_live_no_archive''; else return ''going_live_with_archive''; end if; else -- Published in the past if p_archive_date is null then return ''published_no_archive''; else if p_archive_date > current_timestamp then return ''published_with_archive''; else return ''archived''; end if; end if; end if; else -- publish_date null return ''unapproved''; end if; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function news__name (integer) returns varchar as ' declare p_news_id alias for $1; v_news_title cr_revisions.title%TYPE; begin select title into v_news_title from cr_revisions where revision_id = p_news_id; return v_news_title; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- API for Revision management -- create or replace function news__revision_new (integer,timestamptz,text,varchar,text, varchar,integer,timestamptz,integer,timestamptz,varchar,timestamptz,varchar, integer,boolean, varchar) returns integer as ' declare p_item_id alias for $1; -- p_publish_date alias for $2; -- default null p_text alias for $3; -- default null p_title alias for $4; -- -- here goes the revision log p_description alias for $5; -- p_mime_type alias for $6; -- default ''text/plain'' p_package_id alias for $7; -- default null p_archive_date alias for $8; -- default null p_approval_user alias for $9; -- default null p_approval_date alias for $10; -- default null p_approval_ip alias for $11; -- default null -- p_creation_date alias for $12; -- default current_timestamp p_creation_ip alias for $13; -- default null p_creation_user alias for $14; -- default null -- p_make_active_revision_p alias for $15; -- default ''f'' p_lead alias for $16; v_revision_id integer; begin -- create revision v_revision_id := content_revision__new( p_title, -- title p_description, -- description p_publish_date, -- publish_date p_mime_type, -- mime_type null, -- nls_language p_text, -- text p_item_id, -- item_id null, -- revision_id p_creation_date, -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_creation_ip -- creation_ip ); -- create new news entry with new revision insert into cr_news (news_id, lead, package_id, archive_date, approval_user, approval_date, approval_ip) values (v_revision_id, p_lead, p_package_id, p_archive_date, p_approval_user, p_approval_date, p_approval_ip); -- make active revision if indicated if p_make_active_revision_p = ''t'' then PERFORM news__revision_set_active(v_revision_id); end if; return v_revision_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function news__revision_set_active (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_revision_id alias for $1; v_news_item_p boolean; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_title acs_objects.title%TYPE; -- could be used to check if really a ''news'' item begin select item_id, title into v_item_id, v_title from cr_revisions where revision_id = p_revision_id; update cr_items set live_revision = p_revision_id, publish_status = ''ready'' where item_id = v_item_id; -- We update the acs_objects title as well. update acs_objects set title = v_title where object_id = v_item_id and (title != v_title or title is null); return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- Incomplete for want of blob_to_string() in postgres 16 july 2000 create or replace function news__clone (integer, integer) returns integer as ' declare p_new_package_id alias for $1; --default null, p_old_package_id alias for $2; --default null one_news record; begin for one_news in select publish_date, cr.content as text, cr.nls_language, cr.title as title, cr.mime_type, cn.package_id, archive_date, approval_user, approval_date, approval_ip, ao.creation_date, ao.creation_ip, ao.creation_user from cr_items ci, cr_revisions cr, cr_news cn, acs_objects ao where (ci.item_id = cr.item_id and ci.live_revision = cr.revision_id and cr.revision_id = cn.news_id and cr.revision_id = ao.object_id) or (ci.live_revision is null and ci.item_id = cr.item_id and cr.revision_id = content_item__get_latest_revision(ci.item_id) and cr.revision_id = cn.news_id and cr.revision_id = ao.object_id) loop perform news__new( one_news.publish_date, one_news.text, one_news.nls_language, one_news.title, one_news.mime_type, p_new_package_id, one_news.archive_date, one_news.approval_user, one_news.approval_date, one_news.approval_ip, one_news.creation_date, one_news.creation_ip, one_news.creation_user ); end loop; return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- currently not used, because we want to audit revisions create or replace function news__revision_delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_revision_id alias for $1; begin -- delete from cr_news table delete from cr_news where news_id = p_revision_id; -- delete revision PERFORM content_revision__delete( p_revision_id -- revision_id ); return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql';