select contact__attribute_create ( null, :widget_id, :label, :help_text, :help_p, :html, :format, now(), :creation_user, :creation_ip ) select contact__attribute_delete ( :attribute_id ) select name from contact_attribute_names where attribute_id = :attribute_id and locale = :locale select name from contact_view_names where attribute_id = :attribute_id and locale = :locale select contact__attribute_value_save ( :party_id, :attribute_id, :option_map_id, :address_id, :number_id, :time, :value, :deleted_p, now(), :creation_user, :creation_ip ) select postal_address__new ( :additional_text, null, :country_code, :delivery_address, :municipality, null, :postal_code, :postal_type, :region, :creation_user, :creation_ip, null ) select * from postal_addresses where address_id = :address_id select telecom_number__new ( :area_city_code, :best_contact_time, :extension, :itu_id, :location, :national_number, null, null, null, :sms_enabled_p, :subscriber_number, :creation_user, :creation_ip, null ) select * from telecom_numbers where number_id = :number_id select distinct a.pretty_name, ot.attribute_id from ams_option_types ot, ams_attributes a where ot.attribute_id = a.attribute_id order by a.pretty_name asc