Available in English The language referred to in the message body should be the language of the locale, not a localized version of "English". Change locale English French German Locale Locale for %package_name% {Sun} {Mon} {Tue} {Wed} {Thu} {Fri} {Sat} {Jan} {Feb} {Mar} {Apr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Aug} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dec} AM $ %m/%d/%y %a %B %d, %Y %r %Z {Sunday} {Monday} {Tuesday} {Wednesday} {Thursday} {Friday} {Saturday} . %B %d, %Y %A %B %d, %Y 0 MONTH DD YYYY HH12:MI AM 2 3 3 USD 2 {January} {February} {March} {April} {May} {June} {July} {August} {September} {October} {November} {December} . 3 3 , 1 0 An integer set to 0 if no space separates the currency_symbol or int_curr_symbol from the value for a negative monetary quantity, set to 1 if a space separates the symbol from the value and set to 2 if a space separates the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent. 1 - 1 0 0 means that no space should be printed between the symbol and the value. 1 means that a space should be printed between the symbol and the value. 2 means that a space should be printed between the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent. 1 PM + %r , Resolve message conflicts Spanish English (US) The label of the locale, in the locale's language. This should be different for each locale. This should not be English unless the locale is "en". Translated messages on this page (%locale%) Your locale setting for %package_name%. If set, this will override the site-wide setting in this particular application. Your locale setting for the whole site Your Preferred Locale Your Timezone