Action Actions: Actions Add File Add %pretty_name% Author Back to folder view bytes Change Name Copy Create Create a new folder Create a URL Create New Folder day days as new. Delete delete This will delete %folder_name% and %child_count% files and folders. Do you want to continue? Delete this folder Delete Version Description: Edit edit Edit Folder Edit URL file Delete %title% Rename %title% Edit %pretty_name% Title: %title% Owner: %owner% folder This folder is available via WebDAV at %webdav_url% Delete %folder_name% Folder ID Folder Name: folder Up to %up_name% item items Last Modified Last Month Last Week link administer permissions All Versions of "%title%" Are you sure that you want to delete this version "%version_name%" of "%title%"? This action cannot be reversed. missing folder id Comments on this file: %contents.content_size_pretty% bytes Are you sure you want to delete the file "%title%" and all of its versions? This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to delete the folder "%folder_name%" and all the items it contains? This action cannot be reversed. Delete this file (including all versions) Download an archive of the contents of this folder Either there is already a folder with the name "%folder_name%" or you clicked on the button more than once. You can use the Back button to return and choose a new name, or <a href="%directory_url%">return to the directory listing</a> to see if your folder is there. Folder %folder_name% is empty. It appears that there is already a file with that name in this folder (although possibly you clicked more than once on the submit button.) Leave title blank when uploading multiple interlinked documents. Live version of "%title%" Modify permissions on this file Modify permissions on this folder Please enter the new name for this file: Select the folder that you would like to copy "%file_name%" to Select the folder that you would like to move "%file_name%" under Show files modified in the past show only live version The %folder_link% you selected already contains a file with the same name. The specified file is not valid. The specified folder does not exist. The specified folder is not valid. The specified parent folder is not valid. There are no versions of this file available to you This file has versions that you do not have permission to delete, so you cannot delete the file. This folder contains items that you do not have permission to delete, therefore you cannot delete it. This is a ZIP file containing multiple files Use the "Browse..." button to locate your file, then click "Open". The specified version is not valid. We got an error that we couldn't readily identify. Please let the system owner know about this. We received an error from the database. Probably the folder you selected already contains a file with the same name. We're sorry, but at the moment you cannot delete folders unless they are already empty. You may not delete the root folder. You probably clicked on the Add button more than once. Check if the file is properly loaded on the %folder_link% you want, or you can use the Back button to return and re-enter the version file. Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system (%number_of_bytes% bytes) Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes) Your search on "%query%" did not return any results. Your search on "%query%" returned the following files: Modified Move Multiple files: Name new New Folder No such type no such URL Permissions properties Rename Rename this folder Save Search Search again: Search Results Set Permissions show all versions Create %pretty_name% Size Size (bytes) <strong>Note:</strong> This may take a while, please be patient. Title Title : Type untitled Update Upload Upload a file Upload a new version Upload New File Upload New Version URL: Upload New Version of %title% Delete %version_name% Version filename Version filename : Version filename: Version Notes Version Notes: view details Yes, Delete Yes, Delete It