# -*- tcl-*- # $Id: contributors.page,v 1.2 2007/03/18 00:12:35 gustafn Exp $ ::xowiki::Object new -title "Contributors" -text { my proc content {} { my instvar package_id set folder_id [$package_id folder_id] TableWidget t1 -volatile \ -columns { Field contributor -label "Contributor" Field count -label "Page Revisions" -html { align right } } db_foreach get_contributors {select count(object_id), creation_user from acs_objects o, cr_revisions cr,cr_items ci where object_id = revision_id and parent_id = :folder_id and cr.item_id = ci.item_id group by creation_user order by count desc; } { if {$creation_user eq ""} continue t1 add \ -contributor [::xo::get_user_name $creation_user] \ -count $count } return "The following users have contributed to this xowiki instance:

[t1 asHTML]

" } }