-- P/pgLSQL packages for the production deivery datamodel -- -- @author jopez@inv.it.uc3m.es -- @creation-date Abr 2006 select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'imsld_run', --object type 'IMS-LD Run', --pretty name 'IMS-LD Runss', --pretty prural 'acs_object', --supertype 'imsld_runs', --table_name 'run_id', --id_column null, --package_name 'f', --abstract_p null, --type_extension_table null --name_method ); insert into acs_object_type_tables (object_type, table_name, id_column) values ('imsld_run', 'imsld_runs', 'run_id'); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'imsld_run', --object_type 'imsld_id', --oattribute_name 'integer', --datatype 'IMS-LD id', --pretty_name 'IMS-LD ids', --pretty_plural 'imsld_runs', --table_name 'imsld_id', --column_name null, --default_value 1, --min_n_values 1, --max_n_values null, --sort_order 'type_specific', --storage 'f' --static_p ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'imsld_run', --object_type 'status', --oattribute_name 'string', --datatype 'Status', --pretty_name 'Status', --pretty_plural 'imsld_runs', --table_name 'status', --column_name null, --default_value 1, --min_n_values 1, --max_n_values null, --sort_order 'type_specific', --storage 'f' --static_p ); select define_function_args('imsld_run__new','run_id,imsld_id,status,object_type,creation_date,creatrion_user,creation_ip,context_id,title'); create or replace function imsld_run__new ( integer, -- run_id integer, -- imsld_id varchar, -- status varchar, -- object_type timestamptz, -- creation_date integer, -- creation_user varchar, -- creation_ip integer, -- context_id varchar -- title ) returns integer as ' declare p_run_id alias for $1; -- default null, p_imsld_id alias for $2; p_status alias for $3; p_object_type alias for $4; -- default ''imsld_run'' p_creation_date alias for $5; -- default now() p_creation_user alias for $6; -- default null p_creation_ip alias for $7; -- default null p_context_id alias for $8; -- default null p_title alias for $9; -- default null v_run_id integer; v_object_type varchar; begin if p_object_type is null then v_object_type := ''imsld_run''; else v_object_type := p_object_type; end if; -- Instantiate the ACS Object super type v_run_id := acs_object__new( p_run_id, v_object_type, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, p_context_id, ''t'', p_title, null ); insert into imsld_runs (run_id, imsld_id, status, creation_date, status_date) values (v_run_id, p_imsld_id, p_status, now(), now()); return v_run_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function imsld_run__del (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_run_id alias for $1; begin perform acs_object__delete(p_run_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('imsld_property_instance__new','instance_id,property_id,identifier,party_id,run_id,value'); create or replace function imsld_property_instance__new ( integer, -- instance_id integer, -- property_id varchar, -- identifier integer, -- party_id integer, -- run_id varchar -- value ) returns integer as ' declare p_property_instance_id alias for $1; -- default null p_property_id alias for $2; p_identifier alias for $3; p_party_id alias for $4; -- default null p_run_id alias for $5; p_value alias for $6; -- default '''' v_property_instance_id integer; begin select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_property_instance_id from dual; insert into imsld_property_instances (instance_id, property_id, identifier, party_id, run_id, value) values (v_property_instance_id, p_property_id, p_identifier, p_party_id, p_run_id, p_value); return v_property_instance_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function imsld_property_instance__del (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_property_instance_id alias for $1; begin delete from imsld_property_instances where instance_id = p_property_instance_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('imsld_attribute_instance__new','instance_id,owner_id,type,name,run_id,is_visible_p'); create or replace function imsld_attribute_instance__new ( integer, -- instance_id integer, -- owner_id varchar, -- type varchar, -- name integer, -- run_id varchar -- is_visible_p ) returns integer as ' declare p_instance_id alias for $1; -- default null p_owner_id alias for $2; p_type alias for $3; p_name alias for $4; p_run_id alias for $5; p_is_visible_p alias for $6; v_attribute_instance_id integer; begin select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_attribute_instance_id from dual; insert into imsld_attribute_instances (instance_id, owner_id, type, name, run_id, is_visible_p) values (v_attribute_instance_id, p_owner_id, p_type, p_name, p_run_id, p_is_visible_p); return v_attribute_instance_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function imsld_attribute_instance__del (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_instance_id alias for $1; begin delete from imsld_attribute_instances where instance_id = p_instance_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql';