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Classes and Course Material

Join a class


The class will appear automatically under "Your Current Membership" section (except for the classes that require an approval process for those classes, an administrator will send you a separate email)

Drop a class


The class will disappear automatically from "Your Current Membership" section, and will appear under the "Join a Class section".

Navigate class content

The class portal holds the information referring specifically to the class: forums, FAQ, News, Documents, Calendar. To access the class content, you need to be registered to a class (see Join a Class). If you are already registered to a class, to access the class


The class content opens in a new section on the same level as "Home", "Classes", "Communities", "Control Panel" and "Help". The class content includes several pages at the second level including class space, class calendar, class documents and more, depending of the customization chosen by the instructor.

The class space includes several modules, which content and location are determined by the instructor. The modules content refer only to the selected class.

Some of the main modules are:

Access course material

You can access the course material from the Learning Material module. This module appears in MySpace by default. It also appears in the Class Space.

It opens a completely new interface with its own layout and navigation.

Navigate course material

Once you have opened the Course material (See Access course material), you are in a new interface with its own layout and navigation. The top navigation offers three arrows: previous, index and next. The left navigation menu offers to navigate between chapter and sub chapters. By clicking on a chapter title, the sub chapters appear. By clicking on the sub chapters, the pages appear. The "Class Space" icon and link at the bottom of the left navigation menu brings back to the Class space.