postgresql7.1 select revision_id, title, description, item_id, mime_type, content_revision__get_number( revision_id ) as revision_number, ( select label from cr_mime_types where mime_type = cr_revisions.mime_type ) mime_type_pretty, to_char(publish_date,'Month DD, YYYY') as publish_date_pretty, content_length as content_size from cr_revisions where revision_id = :revision_id select content_item__is_publishable( :item_id ) select name, locale, live_revision as live_revision_id, ( select pretty_name from acs_object_types where object_type = cr_items.content_type ) as content_type, content_item__get_path(item_id,null) as path from cr_items where item_id = :item_id select attribute_id, pretty_name, (select pretty_name from acs_object_types where object_type = attr.object_type) as object_type, coalesce(column_name,attribute_name) as attribute_name, coalesce(attr.table_name,o.table_name) as table_name, coalesce(o.id_column,'object_id') as id_column from acs_attributes attr, (select ot2.object_type, ot2.table_name, ot2.id_column from (select * from acs_object_types where object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects where object_id = :revision_id)) ot1, acs_object_types ot2 where ot2.object_type not in ('acs_object','content_revision') and ot2.tree_sortkey <= ot1.tree_sortkey and ot1.tree_sortkey like (ot2.tree_sortkey || '%')) o where o.object_type = attr.object_type order by attr.object_type, attr.sort_order