select acs_object__name(object_id) as object_name,
acs_object__name(context_id) as parent_object_name,
from acs_objects
where object_id = :object_id
select ptab.grantee_id,
acs_object__name(ptab.grantee_id) as grantee_name,
[join $select_clauses ", "],
sum([join $privs "_p + "]_p) as any_perm_p_
from (select grantee_id,
[join $from_all_clauses ", "]
from acs_permissions_all
where object_id = :object_id
union all
select grantee_id,
[join $from_direct_clauses ", "]
from acs_permissions
where object_id = :object_id
union all
select -1 as grantee_id,
[join $from_dummy_clauses ", "]
union all
select -2 as grantee_id,
[join $from_dummy_clauses ", "]
union all
select component_id as grantee_id,
[join $from_dummy_clauses ", "]
from group_component_map
where group_id = :application_group_id
union all
select segment_id as grantee_id,
[join $from_dummy_clauses ", "]
from rel_segments rel_seg
where rel_seg.group_id = :application_group_id
union all
select segment_id as grantee_id,
[join $from_dummy_clauses ", "]
from rel_segments rel_seg,
group_component_map gcm
where gcm.group_id = :application_group_id
and rel_seg.group_id = gcm.group_id
) ptab,
acs_objects o
where o.object_id = ptab.grantee_id
and acs_permission__permission_p(0, ptab.grantee_id, 'admin') = 'f'
group by ptab.grantee_id, grantee_name, object_type
order by object_type desc, grantee_name