-- -- acs-kernel/sql/acs-objects-test.sql -- -- PL/SQL regression tests for the acs-objects system -- -- Note: These tests use the utPLSQL regression package available at: -- ftp://ftp.oreilly.com/published/oreilly/oracle/utplsql/utplsql.zip -- -- @author Richard Li (richardl@arsdigita.com) -- -- @creation-date 19 September 2000 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: acs-objects-test.sql,v 1.2 2001/03/23 00:21:50 danw Exp $ -- In order for utPLSQL to work, you need to grant -- specific permissions to your user: -- -- grant create public synonym to servicename; -- grant drop public synonym to servicename; -- grant execute on dbms_pipe to servicename; -- grant drop any table to servicename; -- grant create any table to servicename; -- In order to execute the test, you need to set things up -- in your SQL*PLUS session. First type: -- -- set serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped -- -- Now, if you have the UTL_FILE PL/SQL package installed, type: -- -- exec utplsql.setdir('/web/richard/packages/acs-kernel/sql'); -- -- Otherwise, you'll have to disable autocompilation and manually -- compile: -- -- exec utplsql.autocompile (false); -- @acs-objects-test -- -- To actually execute the test, type: -- -- exec utplsql.test('acs_object'); -- we need these here or else the PL/SQL won't compile. -- drop table ut_acs_objects; -- create table ut_acs_objects as select * from acs_objects; -- create table test_objects (test_id integer primary key, data varchar2(100)); -- create or replace package ut#acs_object -- as -- procedure setup; -- procedure teardown; -- procedure new; -- procedure delete; -- procedure name; -- procedure default_name; -- procedure set_attribute; -- procedure get_attribute; -- end ut#acs_object; -- / -- show errors -- create or replace package body ut#acs_object -- as create function ut_acs_object__setup() returns integer as ' declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin raise NOTICE ''Setting up...''; -- create the test_object type PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''test_object'', ''Test Object'', ''Test Objects'', ''acs_object'', ''test_objects'', ''test_id'', null, ''f'', null, null ); -- no API available for this yet insert into acs_object_type_tables (object_type, table_name, id_column) values (''test_object'',''test_objects'',''test_id''); -- create the attribute attr_id := acs_attribute__create_attribute ( ''test_object'', ''data'', ''string'', ''Data'', ''Mo Data'', ''test_objects'', ''data'', null, 0, 1, null, ''type_specific'', ''f'' ); return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function ut_acs_object__teardown() returns integer as ' begin raise NOTICE ''Tearing down...''; -- delete the test object delete from acs_attributes where object_type = ''test_object''; delete from acs_object_type_tables where object_type = ''test_object''; delete from acs_objects where object_type = ''test_object''; drop table test_objects; -- clean out the test data drop table ut_acs_objects; -- delete the object_type delete from acs_object_types where object_type = ''test_object''; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function ut_acs_object__new() returns integer as ' declare result boolean; begin raise NOTICE ''Testing new...''; -- Tests just the common functionality of the API. if acs_object__new(-1000, ''test_object'') <> -1000 then raise NOTICE ''Creating a new test object failed''; end if; -- create a new object to delete; note that this test assumes that -- the .new operator works. if acs_object__new(-1001, ''test_object'') <> -1001 then raise NOTICE ''Creating a new test object failed''; end if; if acs_object__new(-1003, ''test_object'') <> -1003 then raise NOTICE ''Creating a new test object failed''; end if; -- create an object insert into ut_acs_objects (object_id, object_type, creation_date, security_inherit_p, last_modified) values (-1000, ''test_object'', now(), ''t'', now()); -- Verify that the API does the correct insert. select ''t'' into result from ut_acs_objects uo, acs_objects o where uo.object_id = o.object_id and uo.object_id = -1000; if NOT FOUND then raise NOTICE ''Comparing created data for object failed''; end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function ut_acs_object__delete() returns integer as ' declare v_rec record; begin raise NOTICE ''Testing delete...''; -- delete the row. PERFORM acs_object__delete(-1001); -- verify object not there. select * into v_rec from acs_objects where object_id = -1001; if FOUND then raise NOTICE ''Delete verification failed''; end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function ut_acs_object__name() returns integer as ' begin raise NOTICE ''Testing name...''; if acs_object__name(-1001) <> ''Test Object -1000'' then raise NOTICE ''Creating a name failed''; end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function ut_acs_object__default_name() returns integer as ' begin raise NOTICE ''Testing default_name...''; if acs_object__default_name(-1001) <> ''Test Object -1000'' then raise NOTICE ''Creating a default name failed''; end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function ut_acs_object__set_attribute() returns integer as ' declare v_sql_result test_objects.data%TYPE; begin raise NOTICE ''Testing set_attribute''; -- since we did not create a test object new constructor -- were going to insert into attributes here. insert into test_objects(test_id) values(-1003); PERFORM acs_object__set_attribute(-1003, ''data'', ''2702''); -- since utassert is not powerful enough right now, we do this -- comparison manually select data into v_sql_result from test_objects where test_id = -1003; if v_sql_result = 2702 then raise NOTICE ''SUCCESS: set_attribute''; else raise NOTICE ''Verifying attribute data FAILED''; end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function ut_acs_object__get_attribute() returns integer as ' declare v_attr_value varchar(4000); begin raise NOTICE ''Testing get_attribute''; -- we assume that set attribute works. since im lazy -- im going to recycle the -1003 object. PERFORM acs_object__set_attribute(-1003, ''data'', ''sugarwen''); v_attr_value := acs_object__get_attribute(-1003, ''data''); if v_attr_value = ''sugarwen'' then raise NOTICE ''SUCCESS: get_attribute''; else raise NOTICE ''Verifying get attribute data FAILED''; end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create table test_objects ( test_id integer primary key, data varchar(100) ); select ut_acs_object__setup(); create table ut_acs_objects as select * from acs_objects; select ut_acs_object__new(); select ut_acs_object__delete(); select ut_acs_object__name(); select ut_acs_object__default_name(); select ut_acs_object__set_attribute(); select ut_acs_object__get_attribute(); select ut_acs_object__teardown(); drop function ut_acs_object__setup(); drop function ut_acs_object__teardown(); drop function ut_acs_object__new(); drop function ut_acs_object__delete(); drop function ut_acs_object__name(); drop function ut_acs_object__default_name(); drop function ut_acs_object__set_attribute(); drop function ut_acs_object__get_attribute();