-- packages/acs-kernel/sql/acs-relationships-create.sql
-- XXX Fill this in later.
-- @creation-date 2000-08-13
-- @author rhs@mit.edu
-- @cvs-id acs-relationships-create.sql,v 2001/01/12 23:03:26 mbryzek Exp
create table acs_rel_roles (
role varchar(100) not null
constraint acs_rel_roles_pk primary key,
pretty_name varchar(100) not null,
pretty_plural varchar(100) not null
create table acs_rel_types (
rel_type varchar(100) not null
constraint acs_rel_types_pk primary key
constraint acs_rel_types_rel_type_fk
references acs_object_types(object_type),
object_type_one varchar(100) not null
constraint acs_rel_types_obj_type_1_fk
references acs_object_types (object_type),
role_one varchar(100) constraint acs_rel_types_role_1_fk
references acs_rel_roles (role),
min_n_rels_one integer default 0 not null
constraint acs_rel_types_min_n_1_ck
check (min_n_rels_one >= 0),
max_n_rels_one integer
constraint acs_rel_types_max_n_1_ck
check (max_n_rels_one >= 0),
object_type_two varchar(100) not null
constraint acs_rel_types_obj_type_2_fk
references acs_object_types (object_type),
role_two varchar(100) constraint acs_rel_types_role_2_fk
references acs_rel_roles (role),
min_n_rels_two integer default 0 not null
constraint acs_rel_types_min_n_2_ck
check (min_n_rels_two >= 0),
max_n_rels_two integer
constraint acs_rel_types_max_n_2_ck
check (max_n_rels_two >= 0),
constraint acs_rel_types_n_rels_one_ck
check (min_n_rels_one <= max_n_rels_one),
constraint acs_rel_types_n_rels_two_ck
check (min_n_rels_two <= max_n_rels_two)
create index acs_rel_types_objtypeone_idx on acs_rel_types (object_type_one);
create index acs_rel_types_role_one_idx on acs_rel_types (role_one);
create index acs_rel_types_objtypetwo_idx on acs_rel_types (object_type_two);
create index acs_rel_types_role_two_idx on acs_rel_types (role_two);
comment on table acs_rel_types is '
Each row in acs_rel_types
represents a type of
relationship between objects. For example, the following DML
defines an "employment" relationship type that can be expressed in in natural language as:insert into acs_rel_types (rel_type, object_type_one, role_one, min_n_rels_one, max_n_rels_one, object_type_two, role_two, min_n_rels_two, max_n_rels_two) values (''employment'', ''person'', ''employee'', 0, null, ''company'', ''employer'', 0, null)
A person may be the employee of zero or more companies, and a company may be the employer of zero or more people.'; -- create or replace package acs_rel_type -- as -- -- procedure create_role ( -- role in acs_rel_roles.role%TYPE, -- pretty_name in acs_rel_roles.pretty_name%TYPE default null, -- pretty_plural in acs_rel_roles.pretty_plural%TYPE default null -- ); -- -- procedure drop_role ( -- role in acs_rel_roles.role%TYPE -- ); -- -- function role_pretty_name ( -- role in acs_rel_roles.role%TYPE -- ) return acs_rel_roles.pretty_name%TYPE; -- -- function role_pretty_plural ( -- role in acs_rel_roles.role%TYPE -- ) return acs_rel_roles.pretty_plural%TYPE; -- -- procedure create_type ( -- rel_type in acs_rel_types.rel_type%TYPE, -- pretty_name in acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE, -- pretty_plural in acs_object_types.pretty_plural%TYPE, -- supertype in acs_object_types.supertype%TYPE -- default 'relationship', -- table_name in acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE, -- id_column in acs_object_types.id_column%TYPE, -- package_name in acs_object_types.package_name%TYPE, -- abstract_p in acs_object_types.abstract_p%TYPE default 'f', -- type_extension_table in acs_object_types.type_extension_table%TYPE -- default null, -- name_method in acs_object_types.name_method%TYPE default null, -- object_type_one in acs_rel_types.object_type_one%TYPE, -- role_one in acs_rel_types.role_one%TYPE default null, -- min_n_rels_one in acs_rel_types.min_n_rels_one%TYPE, -- max_n_rels_one in acs_rel_types.max_n_rels_one%TYPE, -- object_type_two in acs_rel_types.object_type_two%TYPE, -- role_two in acs_rel_types.role_two%TYPE default null, -- min_n_rels_two in acs_rel_types.min_n_rels_two%TYPE, -- max_n_rels_two in acs_rel_types.max_n_rels_two%TYPE -- ); -- -- procedure drop_type ( -- rel_type in acs_rel_types.rel_type%TYPE, -- cascade_p in char default 'f' -- ); -- -- end acs_rel_type; -- show errors -- create or replace package body acs_rel_type -- procedure create_role create function acs_rel_type__create_role (varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare create_role__role alias for $1; create_role__pretty_name alias for $2; create_role__pretty_plural alias for $3; begin insert into acs_rel_roles (role, pretty_name, pretty_plural) values (create_role__role, coalesce(create_role__pretty_name,create_role__role), coalesce(create_role__pretty_plural,create_role__role)); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure drop_role create function acs_rel_type__drop_role (varchar) returns integer as ' declare drop_role__role alias for $1; begin delete from acs_rel_roles where role = drop_role__role; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function role_pretty_name create function acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name (varchar) returns varchar as ' declare role_pretty_name__role alias for $1; v_pretty_name acs_rel_roles.pretty_name%TYPE; begin select r.pretty_name into v_pretty_name from acs_rel_roles r where r.role = role_pretty_name__role; return v_pretty_name; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function role_pretty_plural create function acs_rel_type__role_pretty_plural (varchar) returns varchar as ' declare role_pretty_plural__role alias for $1; v_pretty_plural acs_rel_roles.pretty_plural%TYPE; begin select r.pretty_plural into v_pretty_plural from acs_rel_roles r where r.role = role_pretty_plural__role; return v_pretty_plural; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure create_type create function acs_rel_type__create_type (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer,varchar,varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare create_type__rel_type alias for $1; create_type__pretty_name alias for $2; create_type__pretty_plural alias for $3; create_type__table_name alias for $4; create_type__id_column alias for $5; create_type__package_name alias for $6; create_type__object_type_one alias for $7; create_type__role_one alias for $8; create_type__min_n_rels_one alias for $9; create_type__max_n_rels_one alias for $10; create_type__object_type_two alias for $11; create_type__role_two alias for $12; create_type__min_n_rels_two alias for $13; create_type__max_n_rels_two alias for $14; type_extension_table acs_object_types.type_extension_table%TYPE default null; supertype acs_object_types.supertype%TYPE default ''relationship''; abstract_p acs_object_types.abstract_p%TYPE default ''f''; name_method acs_object_types.name_method%TYPE default null; begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type( create_type__rel_type, create_type__pretty_name, create_type__pretty_plural, supertype, create_type__table_name, create_type__id_column, create_type__package_name, abstract_p, type_extension_table, name_method ); insert into acs_rel_types (rel_type, object_type_one, role_one, min_n_rels_one, max_n_rels_one, object_type_two, role_two, min_n_rels_two, max_n_rels_two) values (create_type__rel_type, create_type__object_type_one, create_type__role_one, create_type__min_n_rels_one, create_type__max_n_rels_one, create_type__object_type_two, create_type__role_two, create_type__min_n_rels_two, create_type__max_n_rels_two); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure create_type create function acs_rel_type__create_type (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer,varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare create_type__rel_type alias for $1; create_type__pretty_name alias for $2; create_type__pretty_plural alias for $3; create_type__supertype alias for $4; create_type__table_name alias for $5; create_type__id_column alias for $6; create_type__package_name alias for $7; create_type__type_extension_table alias for $8; create_type__object_type_one alias for $9; create_type__min_n_rels_one alias for $10; create_type__max_n_rels_one alias for $11; create_type__object_type_two alias for $12; create_type__min_n_rels_two alias for $13; create_type__max_n_rels_two alias for $14; abstract_p acs_object_types.abstract_p%TYPE default ''f''; name_method acs_object_types.name_method%TYPE default null; create_type__role_one acs_rel_types.role_one%TYPE default null; create_type__role_two acs_rel_types.role_two%TYPE default null; begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type( create_type__rel_type, create_type__pretty_name, create_type__pretty_plural, create_type__supertype, create_type__table_name, create_type__id_column, create_type__package_name, abstract_p, create_type__type_extension_table, name_method ); insert into acs_rel_types (rel_type, object_type_one, role_one, min_n_rels_one, max_n_rels_one, object_type_two, role_two, min_n_rels_two, max_n_rels_two) values (create_type__rel_type, create_type__object_type_one, create_type__role_one, create_type__min_n_rels_one, create_type__max_n_rels_one, create_type__object_type_two, create_type__role_two, create_type__min_n_rels_two, create_type__max_n_rels_two); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure drop_type create function acs_rel_type__drop_type (varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare drop_type__rel_type alias for $1; drop_type__cascade_p alias for $2; begin -- XXX do cascade_p delete from acs_rel_types where rel_type = drop_type__rel_type; PERFORM acs_object_type__drop_type(drop_type__rel_type, drop_type__cascade_p); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- show errors select acs_rel_type__create_type ( 'relationship', 'Relationship', 'Relationships', 'acs_object', 'acs_rels', 'rel_id', 'acs_rel', 'acs_rel_types', 'acs_object', 0, null::integer, 'acs_object', 0, null::integer ); -- show errors -------------------------------------- -- OPERATIONAL LEVEL: RELATIONSHIPS -- -------------------------------------- create sequence t_acs_rel_id_seq; create view acs_rel_id_seq as select nextval('t_acs_rel_id_seq') as nextval; create table acs_rels ( rel_id integer not null constraint acs_rels_rel_id_fk references acs_objects (object_id) constraint acs_rels_pk primary key, rel_type varchar(100) not null constraint acs_rels_rel_type_fk references acs_rel_types (rel_type), object_id_one integer not null constraint acs_object_rels_one_fk references acs_objects (object_id), object_id_two integer not null constraint acs_object_rels_two_fk references acs_objects (object_id), constraint acs_object_rels_un unique (rel_type, object_id_one, object_id_two) ); create index acs_rels_object_id_one_idx on acs_rels (object_id_one); create index acs_rels_object_id_two_idx on acs_rels (object_id_two); comment on table acs_rels is ' The acs_rels table is essentially a generic mapping table for acs_objects. Once we come up with a way to associate attributes with relationship types, we could replace many of the ACS 3.x mapping tables like user_content_map, user_group_map, and user_group_type_modules_map with this one table. Much application logic consists of asking questions like "Does object X have a relationship of type Y to object Z?" where all that differs is X, Y, and Z. Thus, the value of consolidating many mapping tables into one is that we can provide a generic API for defining and querying relationships. In addition, we may need to design a way to enable "type_specific" storage for relationships (i.e., foreign key columns for one-to-many relationships and custom mapping tables for many-to-many relationships), instead of only supporting "generic" storage in the acs_rels table. This would parallel what we do with acs_attributes. '; -------------- -- TRIGGERS -- -------------- -- added by oumi@arsdigita.com - Jan 11, 2001 create function acs_rels_in_tr () returns opaque as ' declare dummy integer; target_object_type_one acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE; target_object_type_two acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE; actual_object_type_one acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE; actual_object_type_two acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE; begin -- validate that the relation being added is between objects of the -- correct object_type. If no rows are returned by this query, -- then the types are wrong and we should return an error. -- select 1 into dummy -- from acs_rel_types rt, -- acs_objects o1, -- acs_objects o2 -- where exists (select 1 -- from acs_object_types t -- where t.object_type = o1.object_type -- connect by prior t.object_type = t.supertype -- start with t.object_type = rt.object_type_one) -- and exists (select 1 -- from acs_object_types t -- where t.object_type = o2.object_type -- connect by prior t.object_type = t.supertype -- start with t.object_type = rt.object_type_two) -- and rt.rel_type = new.rel_type -- and o1.object_id = new.object_id_one -- and o2.object_id = new.object_id_two; select 1 into dummy from acs_rel_types rt, acs_objects o1, acs_objects o2 where exists (select 1 from acs_object_types t where t.object_type = o1.object_type and t.tree_sortkey like (select o.tree_sortkey || ''%'' from acs_object_types o where o.object_type = rt.object_type_one)) and exists (select 1 from acs_object_types t where t.object_type = o2.object_type and t.tree_sortkey like (select o.tree_sortkey || ''%'' from acs_object_types o where o.object_type = rt.object_type_two)) and rt.rel_type = new.rel_type and o1.object_id = new.object_id_one and o2.object_id = new.object_id_two; if NOT FOUND then -- At least one of the object types must have been wrong. -- Get all the object type information and print it out. select rt.object_type_one, rt.object_type_two, o1.object_type, o2.object_type into target_object_type_one, target_object_type_two, actual_object_type_one, actual_object_type_two from acs_rel_types rt, acs_objects o1, acs_objects o2 where rt.rel_type = new.rel_type and o1.object_id = new.object_id_one and o2.object_id = new.object_id_two; raise EXCEPTION ''%: %'', -20001, new.rel_type || '' violation: Invalid object types. '' || ''Object '' || new.object_id_one || '' ('' || actual_object_type_one || '') '' || ''must be of type '' || target_object_type_one || ''. '' || ''Object '' || new.object_id_two || '' ('' || actual_object_type_two || '') '' || ''must be of type '' || target_object_type_two || ''.''; end if; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger acs_rels_in_tr before insert or update on acs_rels for each row execute procedure acs_rels_in_tr (); -- show errors -- create or replace package acs_rel -- as -- -- function new ( -- rel_id in acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null, -- rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'relationship', -- object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, -- object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, -- context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, -- creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, -- x creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null -- ) return acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE; -- -- procedure delete ( -- rel_id in acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE -- ); -- -- end; -- show errors -- create or replace package body acs_rel -- function new create function acs_rel__new (integer,varchar,integer,integer,integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare new__rel_id alias for $1; new__rel_type alias for $2; new__object_id_one alias for $3; new__object_id_two alias for $4; context_id alias for $5; creation_user alias for $6; creation_ip alias for $7; v_rel_id acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE; begin -- XXX This should check that object_id_one and object_id_two are -- of the appropriate types. v_rel_id := acs_object__new ( new__rel_id, new__rel_type, now(), creation_user, creation_ip, context_id ); insert into acs_rels (rel_id, rel_type, object_id_one, object_id_two) values (v_rel_id, new__rel_type, new__object_id_one, new__object_id_two); return v_rel_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure delete create function acs_rel__delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare rel_id alias for $1; begin PERFORM acs_object__delete(rel_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; ----------- -- VIEWS -- ----------- -- These views are handy for metadata driven UI -- View: rel_types_valid_obj_one_types -- -- Question: Given rel_type :rel_type, -- -- What are all the valid object_types for object_id_one of -- a relation of type :rel_type -- -- Answer: select object_type -- from rel_types_valid_obj__one_types -- where rel_type = :rel_type -- create view rel_types_valid_obj_one_types as select rt.rel_type, th.object_type from acs_rel_types rt, (select object_type, ancestor_type from acs_object_type_supertype_map UNION ALL select object_type, object_type as ancestor_type from acs_object_types) th where rt.object_type_one = th.ancestor_type; -- View: rel_types_valid_obj_two_types -- -- Question: Given rel_type :rel_type, -- -- What are all the valid object_types for object_id_two of -- a relation of type :rel_type -- -- Answer: select object_type -- from rel_types_valid_obj_two_types -- where rel_type = :rel_type -- create view rel_types_valid_obj_two_types as select rt.rel_type, th.object_type from acs_rel_types rt, (select object_type, ancestor_type from acs_object_type_supertype_map UNION ALL select object_type, object_type as ancestor_type from acs_object_types) th where rt.object_type_two = th.ancestor_type;