-- packages/acs-events/sql/postgresql/test/utest.sql -- -- Regression test of the unit test package (aha, recursion ;-). -- -- @author jowell@jsabino.com -- @creation-date 2001-06-26 -- -- $Id: utest.sql,v 1.2 2002/12/21 22:31:46 bartt Exp $ create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare v_str varchar; v_datetest timestamp; v_dateref timestamp; begin PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (equality).'', ''1'', ''1'', ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (equality).'', ''1'', ''1'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (inequality).'', ''1'', ''0'', ''f'', ''f'' -- we dont want to raise an exception here ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (inequality).'', ''1'', ''0'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__b2v (true).'', ut_assert__b2v(1+1 = 2), ''true'', ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__b2v (true).'', ut_assert__b2v(1+1 = 2), ''true'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__b2v (false).'', ut_assert__b2v(1+1 = 1), ''false'', ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__b2v (false).'', ut_assert__b2v(1+1 = 1), ''false'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (boolean,boolean).'', 1+1 = 2, ''true'', ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (boolean,boolean).'', 1+1 = 2, ''true'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (boolean,boolean).'', 1+1 = 1, ''false'', ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (boolean,boolean).'', 1+1 = 1, ''false'' ); select now() into v_dateref; v_datetest := v_dateref; PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (timestamp,timestamp).'', v_datetest, v_dateref, ''f'', ''f'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (timestamp,timestamp).'', v_datetest, v_dateref ); v_datetest := now() + interval ''1 days''; PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (timestamp,timestamp).'', v_datetest, v_dateref, ''f'', ''f'' -- do not raise exception ); PERFORM ut_assert__eq( ''Test of ut_assert__eq (timestamp,timestamp).'', v_datetest, v_dateref ); PERFORM ut_assert__ieqminus( ''Test of query equality.'', ''select 1 from dual'', ''select 1 from dual'', ''Simple select from dual.'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__ieqminus( ''Test of query inequality.'', ''select 1 from dual'', ''select 2 from dual'', ''simple select from dual '', ''f'' -- do not raise exception since this will fail ); create table ut_temp ( an_integer integer, a_varchar varchar); insert into ut_temp values (1,''a''); insert into ut_temp values (2,''b''); PERFORM ut_assert__ieqminus( ''Test of query equality.'', ''select * from ut_temp where an_integer = 1'', ''select * from ut_temp where a_varchar = '' || '''''''' || ''a'' || '''''''', ''Simple comparison of two tables.'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__ieqminus( ''Test of query inequality.'', ''select * from ut_temp where an_integer = 2'', ''select * from ut_temp'', ''Simple comparison of two unequal tables.'', ''f'' ); create table ut_another as select * from ut_temp; PERFORM ut_assert__eqtable( ''Test of simple table equality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'', null, null, ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqtable( ''Test of simple table equality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqtable( ''Test of simple table equality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'', ''an_integer = 1'', ''a_varchar = '' || '''''''' || ''a'' || '''''''', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqtable( ''Test of simple table inequality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'', ''an_integer = 1'', ''a_varchar = '' || '''''''' || ''b'' || '''''''', ''f'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqtabcount( ''Test of simple table count equality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'', null, null, ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqtabcount( ''Test of simple table count equality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'', ''an_integer = 1'', ''a_varchar = '' || '''''''' || ''a'' || '''''''', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqtabcount( ''Test of simple table inequality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'', null, ''a_varchar = '' || '''''''' || ''b'' || '''''''', ''f'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqquery( ''Test of query equality.'', ''select * from ut_temp where an_integer = 1'', ''select * from ut_temp where a_varchar = '' || '''''''' || ''a'' || '''''''', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqquery( ''Test of query equality.'', ''select * from ut_temp where an_integer = 1'', ''select * from ut_temp where a_varchar = '' || '''''''' || ''a'' || '''''''' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqquery( ''Test of query equality.'', ''select * from ut_temp where an_integer = 2'', ''select * from ut_temp'', ''f'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqquery( ''Test of query equality.'', ''select * from ut_temp where an_integer = 2'', ''select * from ut_temp'' ); delete from ut_another where an_integer=2; PERFORM ut_assert__eqtable( ''Test of simple table inequality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'', null, null, ''f'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__eqtable( ''Test of simple table inequality.'', ''ut_another'', ''ut_temp'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__isnotnull( ''Degenerate test of non-null'', ''1'', ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__isnotnull( ''Degenerate test of non-null'', ''1'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__isnull( ''Degenerate test of null'', null, ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__isnull( ''Degenerate test of null'', null ); -- We already deleted this, so v_str should be null select into v_str a_varchar from ut_another where an_integer = 2; PERFORM ut_assert__isnull( ''Degenerate test of null'', v_str, ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__isnull( ''Degenerate test of null'', v_str ); -- Still in table, so should be non-null. select into v_str a_varchar from ut_another where an_integer = 1; PERFORM ut_assert__isnotnull( ''Degenerate test of null'', v_str, ''f'', ''t'' ); PERFORM ut_assert__isnotnull( ''Degenerate test of null'', v_str ); drop table ut_temp; drop table ut_another; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select (case when inline_0 () = 0 then 'Regression test is a success.' end) as test_result; drop function inline_0 ();