{/doc/acs-content-repository {Content Repository}} {Package: content_extlink} Package: content_extlink


Content Repository : content_extlink



External links are references to content pages on other web sites. They provide the basis for maintaining a hierarchy of "bookmarks" that may be managed in a manner analogous to other content items. In particular, external links may be tagged with keywords and related to the site's own content items.


Related Objects

See also: {content_item }



Determines if the item is a extlink

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:'t' if the item is a extlink, 'f' otherwise
item_id:  The item id

function is_extlink (
  item_id          in cr_items.item_id%TYPE
) return char;

See Also:content_extlink.new, content_extlink.resolve


Create a new extlink, an item pointing to an off-site resource

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:The id of the newly created extlink
name:  The name for the new extlink, defaults to the name of the target item
url:  The URL of the item
label:  The text label or title of the item
description:  A brief description of the item
parent_id:  The parent folder for the extlink. This must actually be a folder and not a generic content item.
extlink_id:  The id of the new extlink. A new id will be allocated by default
creation_date:  As in acs_object.new
creation_ip:  As in acs_object.new
creation_user:  As in acs_object.new

function new (
  name          in cr_items.name%TYPE default null,
  url           in cr_extlinks.url%TYPE,
  label         in cr_extlinks.label%TYPE default null,
  description   in cr_extlinks.description%TYPE default null,
  parent_id     in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE,
  extlink_id    in cr_extlinks.extlink_id%TYPE default null,
  creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE
                           default sysdate,
  creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE
                           default null,
  creation_ip   in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null
) return cr_extlinks.extlink_id%TYPE;

See Also:acs_object.new, content_item.new, content_extlink.resolve


Deletes the extlink

Author:Karl Goldstein
extlink_id:  The id of the extlink to delete

procedure delete (
  extlink_id    in cr_extlinks.extlink_id%TYPE

See Also:content_extlink.new, acs_object.delete


Last Modified: $‌Id: extlink.html,v 2001/03/13 22:59:26 ben Exp $