-- PG 9.0 support -- @author Victor Guerra ( vguerra@gmail.com ) -- added select define_function_args('chat_room__message_post','room_id,msg,html_p,approved_p'); -- -- procedure chat_room__message_post/4 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION chat_room__message_post( p_room_id integer, p_msg varchar, p_html_p integer, p_approved_p varchar ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_msg_id chat_msgs.msg_id%TYPE; v_msg_archive_p chat_rooms.archive_p%TYPE; v_msg chat_msgs.msg%TYPE; BEGIN -- Get msg id from the global acs_object sequence. select nextval('t_acs_object_id_seq') into v_msg_id from dual; select archive_p into v_msg_archive_p from chat_rooms where room_id = p_room_id; if v_msg_archive_p = 't' then v_msg := p_msg; else v_msg := null; end if; -- TO DO: aproved_p, Hhtml_p and length -- Insert into chat_msgs table. insert into chat_msgs ( msg_id, room_id, msg, creation_user, creation_ip, creation_date) values ( v_msg_id, p_room_id, v_msg, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, now()) ; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;