postgresql7.1 select n.node_id from site_nodes n, site_nodes np, apm_packages p where np.node_id = :subsite_node_id and n.tree_sortkey between np.tree_sortkey and tree_right(np.tree_sortkey) and p.package_id = n.object_id order by n.tree_sortkey select n.node_id,, p.package_id, p.instance_name, tree_level(n.tree_sortkey) - tree_level(np.tree_sortkey) as treelevel, pt.pretty_name as package_pretty_name, (select count(*) from apm_parameters par where par.package_key = pt.package_key) as num_parameters from site_nodes n, site_nodes np, apm_packages p, apm_package_types pt where np.node_id = :subsite_node_id and n.tree_sortkey between np.tree_sortkey and tree_right(np.tree_sortkey) and p.package_id = n.object_id and pt.package_key = p.package_key and [template::list::page_where_clause -name applications -key n.node_id] [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name applications] order by n.tree_sortkey