-- -- The New Portal Package -- copyright 2001, OpenForce, Inc. -- distributed under the GNU GPL v2 -- -- Arjun Sanyal (arjun@openforce.net) -- $Id: defaults.sql,v 1.16 2002/01/21 06:29:55 oracle Exp $ -- -- ampersands break if I don't do this. set scan off -- Insert some default templates. declare layout_id portal_layouts.layout_id%TYPE; theme_id portal_element_themes.theme_id%TYPE; begin -- two-column layout, without a header. layout_id := portal_layout.new ( name => 'Simple 2-Column', description => 'A simple 2-column layout', filename => 'layouts/simple2', resource_dir => 'layouts/components/simple2'); -- the supported regions for that layout. portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '1'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '2'); -- one-column layout, without a header. layout_id := portal_layout.new ( name => 'Simple 1-Column', description => 'A simple 1-column layout', filename => 'layouts/simple1', resource_dir => 'layouts/components/simple1'); -- the supported regions for that layout. portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '1'); -- same as above, only, three columns. layout_id := portal_layout.new ( name => 'Simple 3-Column', description => 'A simple 3-column layout', filename => 'layouts/simple3', resource_dir => 'layouts/components/simple3'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '1'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '2'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '3'); -- three columns with a header. layout_id := portal_layout.new ( name => '3-column w/ Header', description => 'A 3-column layout with a header area.', filename => 'layouts/header3', resource_dir => 'layouts/components/header3'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '1'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '2'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => '3'); portal_layout.add_region (layout_id => layout_id, region => 'i1', immutable_p => 't'); -- Now, some element themes. theme_id := portal_element_theme.new ( name => 'simple', description => 'A simple red table-based theme', filename => 'themes/simple-theme', resource_dir => 'themes/simple-theme'); theme_id := portal_element_theme.new ( name => 'nada', description => 'The un-theme. No graphics.', filename => 'themes/nada-theme', resource_dir => 'themes/nada-theme'); theme_id := portal_element_theme.new ( name => 'deco', description => 'An Art Deco theme', filename => 'themes/deco-theme', resource_dir => 'themes/deco-theme'); end; /