select item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = :as_item_type_id select cr.title, i.increasing_p, i.allow_negative_p, i.num_correct_answers, i.num_answers from cr_revisions cr, as_item_type_mc i where cr.revision_id = :type_id and i.as_item_type_id = cr.revision_id select cr.item_id as type_item_id, cr.title, i.increasing_p, i.allow_negative_p, i.num_correct_answers, i.num_answers from cr_revisions cr, as_item_type_mc i where cr.revision_id = :as_item_type_id and i.as_item_type_id = cr.revision_id select choice_id from as_item_choices where mc_id = :as_item_type_id select choice_id from as_item_choices where mc_id = :type_id select num_correct_answers, num_answers from as_item_type_mc where as_item_type_id = :type_id insert into as_session_choices (session_id, section_id, as_item_id, choice_id, sort_order) values (:session_id, :section_id, :as_item_id, :choice_id, :count) select increasing_p, allow_negative_p from as_item_type_mc where as_item_type_id = :type_id select choice_id, correct_answer_p, percent_score from as_item_choices where mc_id = :type_id select d.session_id, d.item_data_id, c.text_value, rc.title from as_item_data d, as_session_item_map m, cr_revisions ri, cr_revisions rs, as_item_data_choices dc, as_item_choices c, cr_revisions rc where d.session_id in ([join $sessions ,]) and d.as_item_id = ri.revision_id and ri.item_id = :as_item_item_id and d.section_id = rs.revision_id and rs.item_id = :section_item_id and m.session_id = d.session_id and m.item_data_id = d.item_data_id and dc.item_data_id = d.item_data_id and c.choice_id = dc.choice_id and c.choice_id = rc.revision_id select r.target_rev_id as as_item_type_id, o.object_type from as_item_rels r, acs_objects o where r.item_rev_id = :as_item_id and r.rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel' and o.object_id = r.target_rev_id update as_item_rels set target_rev_id = :mc_id where item_rev_id = :as_item_id and rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel' select r.title, c.choice_id, c.correct_answer_p from as_item_choices c, cr_revisions r, as_item_rels i where r.revision_id = c.choice_id and c.mc_id = i.target_rev_id and i.item_rev_id = :as_item_id and i.rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel' order by c.sort_order select mc_id, sort_order from as_item_choices where choice_id = :choice_id select choice_id from as_item_choices where mc_id = :mc_id update as_item_choices set sort_order = sort_order-1 where mc_id = :new_mc_id and sort_order > :sort_order